chapter 6

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Mew's pov

It's been 3 months he started courting me . I liked gulf so much from the beginning that I was ready to accept him on the first day only but as we have to take our time and be careful about taking a step in relation right so here I am trying know him and understand more and more .

I don't want a temporary relationship I want a lifetime one so I don't wanna make any mistakes. Gulf makes me feel so special he is always caring . Every night we spend some time because all day he is busy with work and after coming he is busy with kids then he spends with me . From last one month am spending at his place only. Kids started going to school so I cook their breakfast gulf sends them to school then I pick them up and cook dinner for them . Me and gulf stay together in one room . Being close to mate is so peaceful.

But their are few problems first one I still didn't tell him everything about me . Second his parents didn't accept me . They were damn angry  they didn't like me as I was not rich as them and they wanted a girl omega for their son . They still like puifai I guess . And third thing is flo is still not close with me . She mostly avoids alone time with me .

The best thing is theo kept on calling me mama when we are alone . When he first called me I was shocked I asked him why did he called me that his answer was so sweet .it made me damn happy.


Mew and Theo were in kitchen . Mew was baking cupcakes for the kids.

Theo :- uncle mew can I ask you something ?

Mew:- yes baby tell what happened are you not feeling well ?
Asked mew while checking his temperature it only made theo giggle at  worried mew .

Theo:- my friend told me his mom gives him morning kisses and good night kisses , also hugs him everytime , cooks his favourite food . And take care of him very well . Is it what all mother's do ?
Theo asked with his big doe eyes looking at mew . All those words cofused mew a little bit as why the kid was asking him ?

Mew:- yes baby that's what all mother's do they gives kisses hugs and more love for little ones .

Theo:- so can I call you mama ?
Asked theo with puppy eyes . Mew's eyes watered although they weren't his own kids . mew has gotten more attached to the kids as they are his mate's kids . With a shivering voice mew asked the kid .

Mew:- b-but why me baby ?

Theo:- because you feel warm and I feel safe . You give me so many kisses and hugs . You bake my favourite cakes and cookies . You always take care of me .
Tears spilled down mew's eyes listening to Theo's answer . He hugged the little one thightly.

// Flashback ends //

Theo :- mama I want cookies!!!
Whined theo cutely at making me giggle.
I saw gulf looking at us with shocked.
Oh-huh I guess the secret is spilled.

Gulf:- did I hear it correctly?
He asked me confusedly. I nodded lowering my head. I don't think he will like it . They are his and his first love's kids . Idiot mew why did you allow .

I didn't know that I was crying untill I felt a hand holding my face lifting it I saw gulf's face close to mine .

Gulf:- why are you crying baby doll ?

Mew:- are you not angry ?

Gulf:- why will I be angry baby isn't it a good thing that theo already accepted you as his mother it's easy for us when your going to carry my baby .
He whispered the last one in my ear making me flustered. I felt my cheeks burning.

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