Chapter 11

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Harry, Hermione and Ron had been travelling for a very long time to find all the horocruxes. Harry kept a ring that belonged to Blaise on a cord around his neck to keep him going through everything. Luckily no one noticed it when they were captured but sadly it was because the focus was on Hermione. Him and Ron wanted nothing more than to get up there and hex everyone, specially Bellatrix.

Dobby rescued them from there, Draco as lifted the wards for a moment to let them escape and being the drama queen he is he pretended to put a fight with Harry.

They were lucky to get out but they lost Dobby that day. Harry gave him a proper burial and helped Hermione with her wounds.

That night he had nightmares again. He was back at Hogwarts but everything was destroyed. He walked in the rubble and heard a whimper. In his dream he looked around and found Hermione and Ron dead underneath the destroyed walls of the school. He saw horrific images of his dead classmates and finally he found Blaise with blood coming out of his chest and head. Dream Blaise groaned and said, "your fault." before he was fully dead. Harry fell down crying trying to hold Blaise's bloody hand but he kept getting further and further away from him until he was surrounded by darkness.

No, he couldn't let thst happen, he wouldn't let that happen.

He kept picturing scenes from his dream and playing nervously with Blaise's ring. They were going to sneak in back to Hogwarts. Aberford helped them snick in through a secret passage thst led to the room or requirements where they met a group of students that were seeking refuge from the rest of the school. There he saw many gryffindors but he also spotted on handsome Slytherin. Harry quickly ran to him, if he was here he had to had been in danger.

As he got closer he saw thst Blaise had a nasty cut on his face and a bandage around his upper arm. Blaise gave him a soft smile. "Merlin what happened to you."

Blaise open his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Ginny gave him some water and turned to Harry. "He defended a first year gryffindor from getting crucioed. The first year ran off but they used the curse on him and hexed him so his screams wouldn't be heard. It should wear off."

Harry looked at Blaise worried, Blaise shook his head and leaned his forehead against his. Harry knew he was trying to say that he was fine but his heart was aching for the boy in front of him. Blaise kissed his forehead and mouthed, 'it'll be fine.'

Harry finally nodded, if he wanted everything to be fine then he was going to have to work for it.

He got to work making a plan and with the help of his friends he knew what the next horocrux was and Luna was going to help him get it. They also made a plan for if they got caught, Blaise didn't like the thought of that, he tightened the hug he was giving Harry as he talked.

Blaise grabbed Harry's hand before he left and placed his other hand on Harry's chest, 'be careful' he mouthed.

Harry got and his tip toes to give him a quick kiss, everyone that witnessed awed. Harry blushed, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Use my cloak to get to the slytherins and I hope you find a way to explain the plan."

Blaise nodded affirmatively, he knew a bit of sign language and he knew Astoria and Daphne knew it too so he hoped they would help. If he wanted to help his boyfriend he had to try everything.

Once Harry left with Luna, Blaise wasted no time in getting to the slytherin common room.


Blaise luckily got Daphne to translate what he was trying to say. The slytherins nodded at the plan. Most looked frightened at the thought of fighting their family members, some had a fire in their eyes ready to fight for the family they made at Hogwarts.

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