Forever yours

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- We could stay here for a few days ? I'm sure you have a lot of places to show me.

I see clear in him, he is afraid.

- You don't even like Istanbul.

- But I love you. And I would appreciate seeing places you used to go, live, grow up.

- Or maybe you rather prefer being here than on the island because your mother is out there.

- That's part of the reason, I must admit.

- I don't think she would leave, even if we stay here few days. If she went there, it's to see you so she will stay there and wait for you.

He sighs but adds nothing. So I resume, changing the subject:

- I had planned to see some friends tonight. I can cancel if you want.

- No, of course not ! It's been a while since you came here and it would be silly if you left without seeing them. And I really want to know your friends.

- Truly ?

- You know all of mine.

- Okay, it's at a club.

He frowns at me.

- You've never been to a club before, have you ?

- I never left the island and, I don't know if you noticed, but there is none there.

- I noticed, yes. Are you okay with ?

- Sure ! He assures. And, from what I understood, you were going to party a lot in those kinds of places.

- Yes indeed. I confirm.

- So I want to see how it is.

- Okay.


When we arrive at the club, my friends are seated at a table at the side of the room. I hadn't warned them that Poyraz would be there and they stares at us in amazement before they started to smile, their gazes fixed on our intertwined hands. We walk over to their table and say hello to everyone.

- So this is Poyraz. I introduce him.

My look meet his and I add :

- My boyfriend.

He smiles to me and my heart skip a bit. I feel myself blushing as everyone gaze are on me.

- Your boyfriend ? Defne repeats.

- Yeah, we're back together.

- Who would have guessed that life on an island could be so hectic ?

- Poyraz this is Defne and her boyfriend Omer. Here Sanem and Can. And Eda and Serkan.

- Hi everyone, nice to meet you. Poyraz says.

- Sit down. Eda says, pointing to the empty seat next to her.

Poyraz lets me sit next to Eda and sits between Omer and me, grabbing my hand in his and resting it on his thigh.

- So no more Tokyo, I guess ? Can asks.

- No more Tokyo. I'm gonna return to the island with Poyraz.

- Definitively ?

- I guess, yes. I reply.

- I would pay dearly to see your mother's reaction when she'll see you coming back. Eda comments, soon approved by everyone, laughing a little.

- How do you all know each other ? Poyraz asks.

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