3. show

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"...Thank you, Sir Ten. I...I don't know how to express my...appreciation." Arthur and Ten sat across from each other, one visibly grim.

They had moved locations at some point, to a room specifically designed to welcome guests of high stature.

"It's no problem at all, Your Majesty, but I am awaiting a reward of some kind." Arthur looked up at him, a little taken aback. "Ah, my apologies, what sort of reward are you looking for? If I may ask, Sir Ten."

Ten grinned, his voice was calm and steady, but Arthur had noticed from the very beginning that there was always an undeniable air of egotism in his voice. Though, he could see how being a literal embodiment of god would make someone egotistical.

"It's not much really, just some pockets of gold coins. About 3 pouches should be sufficient." Now Arthur had become suspicious, "Gold? Why would you ask for that? Not to mention, so little."

Ten raised a brow, "Oh, do you want your economy to take a fall then? Because I can always do that. But seeing as I'm such a nice person, I took time to consider your Kingdom's economy before I go off doing whatever I want."

"Right...Are you really the wonder? I...I just can't believe this, the wonder...If you don't mind me asking, but could I request a demonstration of your powers? Or knowledge?" Arthur nervously looked up at Ten in anticipation, his eyes glowing with eagerness. If not for his thinning patients, Ten would've laughed out loud.

"Sigh, such eager young curiosity, I'll present you a quick show, but my patience is thinning, Arthur. I have dawdled too long in your castle, and I have matters to attend to."

"Ah, my apologies then, Sir Ten. I'll fetch you your reward as soon as possible." Arthur waved towards an assistant who stood by the side, "Go fetch our guest 5 pouches of gold, step on it, we mustn't anger the Wonder."

Ten didn't bother to correct his miscalculation, but he watched on with a smile on his face as the servant left. He could tell the man was skeptical of his identity.

But he couldn't care, he wouldn't be prolonging his stay here any longer.

"So," Ten started, "What kind of demonstration would you like to see? Your majesty." With them truly all alone now, Ten was ready to put on a show for this one-person audience.

"Squawk!" Wobble appeared above the two, with him slowly levitating down to Ten. "There you are, Wobble. Did you have fun exploring? Well, you've better spent your time well because we're leaving soon." Ten pulled Wobble down from the air by his neck, which resulted in Wobble flailing his feather-less wings about.

Arthur witnessed the two's odd interaction, a little taken aback by Ten's rough handling of the small bird.

"Anyway, here's your show."

A body dropped from above and fell directly onto the table, crushing the fragile porcelain and the table altogether; the loud crash was the only sound in the echoing quiet room. Even Wobble didn't let out a cry from his beak.

Arthur stood up from the couch, staggering back. His breath was hitched, a cold sweat ran down his back, and he felt lightheaded.

"What...What the hell?!" Gasping, Arthur gaped at the disfigured body, his body shuddered furiously as he switched his gaze from the body to the two.

"What...What are...What are you doing?!!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, they're only dead." Ten glanced at the king, but upon seeing the terrified expression a sudden realization crossed his mind. A sadistic smile upturned his lips, "This is the demonstration the king requested, kid."

A stream of light formed around the body, circling it like a river in the air for it to then quickly wraps itself like a snake suffocating its prey.

Now wrapped like a cacoon, Ten levitated the body up towards him. He placed his hands on top of the cacoon but refused to touch it; a black smoke appeared from the palms of his hands, which then started to spread and devour the cacoon made of light.

The two elements, light and dark, were such a stark contrast Arthur was unable to tear his eyes away. It was beautiful...yet so unsettling. The light...that held innocence and purity, being completely enveloped-no, tarnished by the looming mass of shadow.

Arthur's vision started to stumble, the world didn't seem so still anymore, everything seemed louder. There was a throbbing in his head, pounding and pounding, he couldn't resist the pain and eventually collapsed.

Releasing the cacoon, Ten and Wobble watched as Arthur fell on the floor, and simultaneously, the now black cacoon started quivering. The outline of a small hand could be seen pushing against the surface of the mass, its movement was erratic, clearly showing the panicked state they were in.

"You've been remarkably quiet, Wobble. What is it?"


"Bored? Alright, I'll stop wasting time then."

The cacoon dropped to the floor with a heavy thud, Wobble jumped from Ten's arms, landing on top of the black mass which kept struggling from inside.

With his beak(little red splotches could be seen) Wobble tore open the encasing, freeing the person from inside.

Wobble took a look at the boy in the cacoon before jumping back to Ten. "Well, kid. Because of you, the King wasn't able to witness the great show he wanted, but I'm sure you can tell him all about it. I've about wasted enough of my precious time here," Covered in the red metallic liquid, the pale-faced boy stared up at Ten in horror than at his unconscious father.

He sat in the pool of blood, his mind was empty as the fear he felt for the man took over his body.

*knock knock

"Well, would you look at that, such perfect timing? I'll be taking my reward then." Ten answered the door and left the room, but not before taking a glance back at the boy.

"You have talent, Rurik. But watch how you use it, you might witness something unforgettable."

A chill ran down Prince Rurik, one that'll be forever etched deep in his bones.



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