Chapter 1

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I wake up with a large, tiring yawn. I look at the clock. 8:23 A.M, it reads. Wait, I remember! "Today's the day I get my first Pokemon!" I'm so excited! Then I realized, I need to be at the lab by 9 A.M. I quickly put on my favorite T-shirt. It has a Sylveon playing with an Umbreon on it. The background is a sunny, flowery field. Then, I put on my loose ripped jeans and my worn-out shoes. I brush my knotty hair and put on my sun hat. I rush to the bathroom and brush my teeth as fast as I can. "I can't be late!" I murmur to myself. Then, I look at the clock. I only have 30 minutes left! 30 minutes is NOT enough to make and eat breakfast AND pack my bag at the same time! "I guess I should just pack my bag, I can get breakfast at a restaurant." I grumpily murmur. I put my sunglasses in, some bandaids, my journal, my Rotom-Phone, a LOT of clothes, and finally, my special Umbreon plush. "Time to go! Bye Mom!" I shout. I realize I haven't even talked to her yet! Well, no time for chit chat. I have to get going! "Not so fast!" Mom says back. "Huh?" I reply, confused. "You think that I'm just gonna let you go there alone?" she says. "How else am I supposed to get there?" I reply back to her. "I'm going to drive you, silly!" "Ugh, fine.." I grumpily say. I run to the car and get into the front seat. "Mom, you're so slow!" I shout out the window. I get no response. Mom slides into the car and buckles her seatbelt. "Are you buckled?" she asks me. "Of course I'm buckled! I know what to do!" Except, I didn't buckle yet. Oops. I quickly snap my seatbelt into the buckle-thingy. Mom starts the car. I'm so excited! It's just like in the television shows! Where I get a partner, we travel to every region, I get a bunch of traveling companions that I visit later on after I leave them, and I nearly die tons of times! (Hope that doesn't happen..) But, I'm still super excited! I looked in some old magazine Mom had in the car. I flip to this page. "The starters of the Alolan region.." I read to myself, quietly. I examine them. They're soooo cute! I'm gonna have a really hard time deciding.. This is going to be more difficult than I thought! "Whatcha reading, honey?" Mom asks me. "Oh, just this old magazine.'' I say. "Here, look! It's the starters I get to choose from!" I put it near her face. "Woah, woah, woah!" Mom says. "Not while I'm driving, hon! I'll look when we get to the lab." "Fine.." I say. My stomach grumbles. The trip is kind of boring.

Minutes later, we finally arrive! I'm so happy! I quickly rush out of the car and into the lab. "Wait for me!" Mom shouts. I ignore her and open the door. I see a tall woman, in a white lab coat. "Hm? This doesn't look like the professor I saw in the magazine.." I think to myself. Then, Mom finally catches up to me. "Hello!" The woman beams. "Hey!" Mom replies. I smile at her and wave. "My name is Professor Willow!" The woman happily says. "So, would you like to choose your very first Pokemon?" "YES!" I excitedly shout. "Great!" She says. She leads me outside. On a table, I see the cutest Pokemon that I have ever seen. "So, which one are you going to choose? Rowlet, the grass type? Litten, the fire type? Or Popplio, the water type?" "Hmm.." I think. "It's okay if you take a few minutes, this is going to be one of the toughest decisions of your journey." She reassures me. Finally, I make my decision. I walk over to the grass type, Rowlet. "So, Rowlet is your choice?" I nod my head. "Great choice! Rowlet is an amazing companion!" She gives me a pokeball, and I gently put it up against Rowlet. My first ever Pokemon! I'm so happy!

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