Chapter 2

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As I'm leaving the lab, I decide to take Rowlet out of its Pokeball so it can walk with me. As I'm walking, I see a restaurant! I decide to go over there. I open the doors and go in. I check in and sit at a table. It's surprisingly empty! There's only 1 customer here! As I'm sitting at the table, I take Rowlet out of its Pokeball. Why not let Rowlet have a nice meal, too? I check the menu that's laying down on the table. Then, I see a Poke-puff section. This place serves Pokemon food, too! I show Rowlet the menu. "So, which one would you like, Rowlet? The Rawst berry Poke-puff, the Roseli berry Poke-puff, or the Grepa berry Poke-puff? Rowlet stares at the menu. "Any?" I ask. Rowlet flaps its wings. Guess that means yes! I decided on the Rawst berry Poke-puff for Rowlet. I order a bunch of delicious looking Pikachu shaped pancakes. The waitress comes over to take our order. "Hello! What would you like to order- Awww! Look at this cutie!" She says as she smiles at Rowlet. I smiled and giggled. "I'll take 3 Rawst berry Poke-puffs and a stack of the Pikachu pancakes!" I say. "Alrighty! Please be patient as we make your order!" She replied as she went back to the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the waitress came back with the food. "Here you go! Enjoy!" she says. "Thank you so much!" I say back. I give the Poke-puff to Rowlet. Rowlet starts happily flapping its wings. I shove the pancakes in my mouth. I'm starving! Finally, we finish eating. I tip 10$ dollars to the waitress by leaving the money on the table. "Was it good, Rowlet?" I ask as we're walking out of the restaurant. Rowlet starts flapping its wings again. Suddenly, I see a big patch of grass far away. Could there be a Pokemon there? I put Rowlet in its Pokeball and start running towards it. Finally, I get there. I search around the grass. Out of nowhere, something brushes my leg! It scares me for a moment, but I start looking for it. It quickly dashed out of the grass and stared at me. It's an Eevee! I've always dreamed of having one! I need to catch it! "Go, Rowlet!" I shouted as it came out of its Pokeball. "Rowlet, use Peck!" I yell. Rowlet started flying towards it and pecked it on the head. "Now, use Tackle!" The Eevee uses Sand-attack! "Rowlet, dodge!" I shout. I then get a Pokeball from my bag and throw it at the Eevee.

I suspensefully wait.

It twitched once.

Then twice.

Then the third time.....

The Pokeball snapped shut! I caught an Eevee! I'm so happy! I high-five Rowlet and put it in its Pokeball. I caught my first ever Pokemon!

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