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We sat in the courtroom and waited for everyone to be seated

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We sat in the courtroom and waited for everyone to be seated. I sat by Nico and I tried to ignore how handsome he was in his suit and tie. I was so used to his normal attire that it was hard seeing him as a businessman. The judge took his seat and asked for everyone to rise. I stood up slowly and smoothed out my skirt. I could feel Nico's eyes on me but I ignored him. I knew exactly what I was going to say and I was happy to add this case to the pile that I've already won. The big thing here was to make sure that he looked like a victim. I was going to use everything that I could to make sure that that's the image that the jury had of him. The judge took a seat and cleared his throat loudly. That caused everyone to turn their attention towards him. All the small whispers in the room came to a stop.

"I'm glad that everyone was able to make it here safely due to the weather. This is going to be a three-day trial. This trial will be split into three different days. We will try the best that we can to work as quickly as we can. I want to make sure that everyone is home for the holidays with their family instead of being in this courtroom. Also due to the snowstorm coming, I want to treat this case with urgency. If anyone has any concerns that they would like to address, please speak now."

The room was silent as everyone waited for him to continue. I was happy that he didn't want to drag out this case any more than it needed to be dragged out. It was very close to the holidays, and I wasn't going to lie, I would love to be home.

"Miss Carter, go ahead and get started. You have all of our attention."

I stood up and smoothed out my skirt once again. "Thank you, your honor. It's a pleasure to be here today and as you all know I love to see justice served. Today, I will be representing Mr. Nicoló Santoro." I turned to face him and he winked at me. I mentally rolled my eyes and forced a smile anyway. "Please, will you come up to the stand?"

He stood up and fixed his tie before walking over to the stand and sitting down. He was asked to raise his hand and pledge an oath that he would tell the truth and nothing but the truth. I clutched the papers in my hand and tried not to seem nervous. My palms were sweating and I was starting to feel suffocated. I could only pray that the little evidence that I had would be enough for the jury.

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