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I walked through the store pushing the cart slowly. I could hear Nia on the phone telling her husband that he needed to get the grill ready. She decided to have a barbecue to celebrate the holidays. I didn't understand any of it but she invited me and I told her that I would come. I had not spoken to Nico in a week. I was still shocked because of the way that he talked to me in front of his father. I shook my head slowly and rolled my eyes. I still didn't understand why I even cared. Lucky for me, my monthly cycle came a few days ago and I was happy because I knew that I wasn't pregnant.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Yes, of course, I'm listening to you. I still don't understand why you're having a barbecue in the snow."

I heard her sigh loudly. "Because it's a tradition. We are going to be having a snowstorm soon and I want to be able to make sure that we have good food before it comes. My grandmother always told me that a warm meal helps prepare for a storm. Besides, who wants to grill in the summer. It's hot and you're sweaty. It's better in the winter, trust me."

"It's cold," I laughed. "But I won't question you any more. It's your barbecue and I'm going to show up like I promised. I'm here at the store, what did you need me to pick up for you?"

"I need you to get some fruit and wine. It can be whatever fruit that you choose, and you know what type of wine we love."

I laughed, "yeah. Who else did you invite, by the way?"

"I didn't invite anyone. I decided that I wanted it to be just you and me today. Of course, my husband because he has to cook the food. But we need some family time."

I pushed the cart to the wine aisle and started to look for our favorite bottle. "Okay, I'm trusting you. I'm antisocial and I don't like big events."

She laughed, "no you're not antisocial. You can't be because you're a lawyer. You just don't want me to invite anyone that you don't like. You can come out and say it."

"Well, I was trying to be nice about it but if you insist. Yes, I don't want to come if there's going to be someone that I don't like there. You used to do that all the time in college and you know how much I hate that. Remember you invited Becky."

"Becky who?"

I grabbed a bottle of wine off the shelf and put it into the cart. "Oh, don't pretend that you don't know. Becky Miller."

She gasped, "ohhhh yea. Red hair, freckles, used to wear miniskirts all the time. I know exactly who you're talking about. Everyone hated her in college but I never knew why."

I rolled my eyes, "I know why. She was a complete slut. She had sex with the whole soccer team. And she had sex with professor Fulton. She used to brag about it all the time."

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