Denmark x Reader ~ Hangover's and love confessions

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You smirked at the Danish male before you as you chugged down the beer in front of you. Earlier on you had decided to challenge him to a drinking contest. Why? Because you wanted to prove yourself. A bit pathetic right?

It all started about 6 months ago after knowing the Danish man for a few years you began to develop a crush on the man and then it turned into full blown being in love with the axe wielding idiot.

So, being the fact that he was really good at holding his liquor you wanted to prove to him that you were just as good as him so that maybe he would start to feel the same way about you. It was a long shot but you had to give it a go.

So that takes us to where you are now. Sitting in front of the man with many empty mugs of beer and many mugs still full of the golden liquid that set fire to you veins, not as much as vodka but that shit packed a punch.

He was tipsy on his seat while you were full on drunk. You were doing an exceptional job of hiding it though. "Ready to give up, kære?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Not a chance 'Thias! I am going to win this contest!" You replied with an even bigger smirk on your face as you chugged another beer. This chugging of beer went on for a while before Mathias was drunk as well.

He abruptly stood up from his seat and staggered over to you. Cocking your head to the side, you opened your mouth to ask if he was okay only to have him kiss you hungrily.

Ignoring the fact that you were both drunk and that he didn't like you in that way you kissed him back with equal passion and hunger. He picked you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist as your fingers ran through his hair.

He slammed you onto the wall and began placing open mounted kisses down your neck, sucking and nibbling as you moaned out in pleasure. You mewled out his name when he found your sweet spot. You could feel him smirk against you neck.

He walked up the stairs still holding onto you and threw you on his bed slamming the door behind you. You both then proceeded to do the under cover couple twister multiple times before falling asleep. ((IF YOU GET THE REFRENCE THEN I LOVE YOU))


You groaned and shifted as you woke, feeling the massive pounding in your head after last nights drinking contest. You could barely remember half of it. Slowly opening your eyes you winced at the sun that was blaring a little to bright at you.

Slowly sitting up you clutched at your head willing the pain to go away. As you took in your surroundings your eyes flew open, the dreaded hangover pushed to the back of your mind.

"Shit......" You whispered out. You looked down and you were covered in love bites and small bruises around your hips as well as a few scratches. 'I FUCKED MATHIAS?!?! OH SHIT WHAT HAVE I DONE?!??'

You stepped up to get out of bed but two strong arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back into a toned chest. Mathis nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck and began peppering more kisses there. As if he didn't do enough of that last night.

"M-Mathias! Ah~" He found your sweet spot once more and nibbled on it again.

"Where do you think your going elsker?" He mumbled into your ear. Making shivers run down your spine. "Do you think that I'm going to just let you go after what you told me last night." Your eyes widened again. 'SHIT! WHAT DID I TELL HIM?'

"W-What....?" You slowly spoke. "You told me so many things last night elsker. About how you loved my accent, about how you only suggested that drinking contest and about how much. You. Loved. Me." You could hear the smirk in his voice.

You blushed so hard (( you looked like Spain's tomatoes //shot// ))and then did something Mathias didn't expect you to do. You began sobbing. Tears flowed from your eyes as you tried to push him away.

"H-Hey, what's wrong?!" He questioned with frantic eyes as he held you to his chest.

"I-I'm s-sor-rry Math-ias. I know th-that you don't feel the same." You whimpered out.

Mathias slammed his lips upon yours. Instead of being rough the kiss was gentle and full of love and passion. Your eyes fluttered closed as you melted into the kiss and wrapped your arm around his neck while his slid around your waist.

He slowly pulled away at the same time that you did and smiled at you. "Jeg elsker dig (Y/N)......" He softly spoke. You felt as if a large weight was lifter off your shoulders.

"Jeg elsker også dig Mathias....." You whispered in reply.

You both spent the rest of the day laying in bed and basking in your requited love. Only for Denmark to flip the fuck out when you tried to stand up, only to fall to the ground due to your numb hips. Dammit 'Thias......


Eh, good enough.

Hi guys its theladyinblood here with a Denmark Oneshot! WHOOP WHOOP!

I guess you could call like, half of that suggestive material but I don't give a fuck. It's Denmark he's gonna get the booty but in the Spain one shot that I've got planned which won't be happening for a while you will get that hot as hell spanish booty.......

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'd like to apologise for the long waits between updates. That should be fixed after next week and I'll be back with angsty as fuck one shots! YAYYYYY!!

The next one is gonna be a Japan one. It's gonna be fwuffy af!

Before I go I'd like to dedicate this chapter to a very special someone who also dedicated one of their stories to me. Now, I have no idea how to do this on here 'cause im using a tablet but her name is @What-am-I-SnK

So go and give Senpai a follow for me. SENPAI'S AWESOME LIKE HOLY CRAP I LOVE THEM.

~ theladyinblood

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