France X Reader ~ No more Francis no more

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It was obvious that your boyfriend Francis was a ladies man and that he was never going to give that up. That's one of the reasons why you were packing your stuff into a suitcase on the bed.

Yes you loved the Frenchman with all your heart but you just couldn't trust him any more. When you went on dates with him he would flirt with other women, which you were slightly annoyed about at the beginning considering who he was but you thought he would change his ways for you after being with him for nearly three years now. Oh how wrong you were.

You were tired of it. He was blowing you off to hang out with other women and it hurt more than you let on.

You wiped at tears that were falling down your cheeks as you zipped up the suitcase. You yanked it off the bed as it landed on the ground with a dull thud.

You pulled up the handle and walked out of the bedroom door and downstairs into the kitchen. Before you left you placed a crisp white envelope on the tabled with the name 'Francis' on it and walked out the door.


"Mon amour, I'm home." Called the Frenchman with a grin in his face and a bouquet of roses clasped in his hand. He expected you to come running up to him with a grin on your face and to greet him with a kiss but he received non of that.

"Mon amour...?" No answer. He shut the door behind him and walked into the kitchen. He placed the roses onto the table and took notice of the letter on the table addressed to him.

He raised an eyebrow and picked it up, opening it with care seeing as it was from you.

He started off reading it slowly but soon picked up his pace as his his face turned into a mix of emotions.

Confusion, guilt, horror, sadness and pain.

The letter dropped to the ground as he covered his mouth with his hands. Tears fell out of his deep blue eyes as he whirled around and ran out the door.

Dear Francis,

I suppose that since you have found this letter than you will have realised that I am not there to greet you as usual. There is a reason for this and the reason is you. I am sick and tired of watching you flirt with other woman and blow me off to hang out with them. Even on our dates you ignore me to talk to them. I won't put up with it anymore.

This is goodbye Francis, don't expect me to return to you for I have left to never return. I will stay with a friend until I can find a place to stay. Don't look for me.

~ (Y/N)


Arthur held you in his arms as you lightly cried into his shirt. "It's alright love, you did the right thing." Arthur was your friend before you even started dating Francis. He told you at the start that this would all end in heart break but sadly you were to naive back then to listen to him.

"You were right Arthur, I should have listened to you from the start. I only wish that I could have seen it from the beginning." You sat up and wiped your eyes with a tissue.

"There's no need to eat yourself up about it, love. You did what you thought was good for you a there's nothing wrong with that." He rubbed your back and handed you a cup of tea which you began to drink quickly.

Before anything else could be said the door bell rang. Your head flipped up to the direction of the door, silently wondering who it was. Arthur was about to get up but you waved him back down with your hand. "It's fine Iggy, I'll get it myself."

"Are you sure love?" You just nodded in reply. He answered with and alright and picked up the now empty mugs of tea, walking into the kitchen to get some more.

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