Scotland x Reader ~ Part 2

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Heheheheheheh yeh I know reader-chan's supposed to be dead but tomanyfandoms09 asked me to keep reader-chan alive so, here I am. Probably a bit of feels but that's the goal here. GIVING FEELS AND CRUSHING HEARTS. That should be my motto....


Alistair had been cooped up in his room ever since what happened to (Y/N). He was completely heartbroken about it. Even though she was human he had managed to fall deeply in love with her.

His brothers couldn't cheer him up no matter what they tried. They too missed (Y/N) after all she as the only one they had ever met apart from themselves that could see magical creatures.

She certainly left a massive gloom over the entire house. Alistair had taken to drinking more than he normally did. (Y/N) would usually be around to smack him into not drinking, after all she was helping to ween him off of his addiction to the drink. But now that she wasn't around, he dived straight into it.

No one entered his room for fear of his anger. He grew angry at the littlest things now a days. Eventually Arthur had enough of it and dashed into his room, pouring over magic books to help his brother out. Seamus, Connor and Dylan ( N.&S. Ireland and Wales ) had no clue what he was doing and just kept to themselves.

After Arthur being in their for two whole days, he finally burst out of the room and commanded his brothers to get Alistair out of his room and into his black magic room at any cost. Skeptical, they slowly walked up the stairs as they chatted amongst themselves on how to get Alistair out of the room seeing as it would be no simple task.

They all finally stopped in front of his door. Physically flinching at the aura that oozed out of the room.

Dylan knocked on the door. "Alistair? You in there-" He was cut off by a bullet piercing the door. "Jesus Christ!" It didn't hit him, luckily. "What ever Arthur has down there better be good." Seamus spoke up as he kicked the door open, having enough of Alistair's shit.

The sight that greeted them was not a pleasant one. Whiskey bottles lined the floor of the room that was an utter mess. Alistair sat against one of the walls with a bottle in hand and a gun laying beside him.

"The fuck do ye want..." He growled out as he glared at them. His jaw was unshaven as stubble showed in the dim lighting. The three cringed at the sight of their brother. How could one woman inflict so much damage on him. Simple. He loved her.

"Arthur said we had to get you downstairs and into his black magic room by any cost." Seamus replied. "So that what were here to do." Connor finished.

Alistair glared at them once more. Sensing that he wouldn't come easily, the three men dashed forward and grabbed onto him, picking him up and running out of his room and downstairs. Which was of course a feat in itself being that he was stronger than all of them and wouldn't stop shouting insults at them.

They quickly got into Arthur's black magic room and threw him in there, locking the door so that he couldn't get out.

He pounded on the door, trying to get out when he suddenly stopped upon hearing a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey Tartan." He slowly turned around upon hearing her nickname for him. His eyes grew wider when he saw her standing there.

It was her. It was the woman he had fallen in love with. It was the woman he had lost.

"(Y/N)..." He breathed out her name in shock. He froze up upon seeing her smile. He slowly stepped forward as he reached out to touch her face. Quickly realising that she was real, he grabbed her in a hug and buried his face in the crook of her neck.

Her own arms wrapped around him in reply.

She felt tears hit the back of her neck as she shed her own. "Oh god (Y/N)...please don't let this be another dream." He whispered into her neck. She pulled back and stared into his eyes. She gave a shaky smile through the tears and nodded her head. "I'm real Alistair. Iggy brought me back." Alistair turned around to face Arthur.

"Well I couldn't have my brother such a mess anymore, so I found a way to bring her back. By the way you might want to start referring to her as Edinburgh."

((Edinburgh is Scotland's Capital))

Alistair turned to look at (Y/N) again. She nodded. "It's true. Arthur brought me back by turning me into a personification of your capital. This way, I can stay with you permanently." She grinned at him. He grabbed her in a hug once more as he picked her up and spun her around in happiness.

"Tartan!" The three men that had locked Alistair in the room previously burst the door open upon hearing her shout. Their eyes grew as wide as plates when they saw her again.

Alistair placed her back down on the ground upon hearing them enter the room. She tapped him on the shoulder signalling him to let her go. He did as she asked, although reluctantly, and as soon as she walked towards the three brothers the attacked her in a hug.

"(Y/N)!" It was clear to see that they were happy to see her again. "Hello boys!" She laughed in reply. They all pulled back from the hug and stared straight a her. "How?" They all voiced.

"I'm now Alistair's capital. Say hello to Edinburgh!" They looked at her in shock. Alistair came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, resting his chin atop her head. "Glad to see your not moping around any more." Seamus told Alistair who rolled his eyes in response.

(Y/N)'s face turned into a grimace. "Tartan! God! Do you have any idea what you smell like?! Okay, first order of mine! Your taking a shower." She grabbed his arm from around her shoulders and tugged him out of the room. Leaving the other four brothers laughing.

~~Timeskip of Alistair showering and reader-chan cleaning his room brought to you by Eurovision~~

You and Alistair were now lying in his bed. His face was now cleanly shaved, his body was washed and he was in clean clothes. "I love you to, by the way." Your face grew bright red at that as you realised that you had told him that you loved him before you died.

His arms snaked around your waist as he pulled you into his chest. "I have for a long time." He kissed the top of your head as he nuzzled into your hair. "I'm happy that your back lass."

"Well, this time I'll be staying. Permanently." You tilted your head back to smile at him. His lips quickly connected with yours. It was slow and loving. Now that he had you back, there was no way in hell that he was gonna let you go.

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