Russia x Reader ~ Sunflower fields

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Your P.O.V ~

"Shut up you bloody frog!"

"What gives you the right to say that to me black sheep of Europe?!"


Ughhhh another world meeting filled with arguments, fights and nothing done like usual.

You were the country of (C/N) you had good military, were wealthy and had a good health care system. You were stable and had no issues. Except for one. You had a huge crush on Russia otherwise known as Ivan Braginsky. Scratch crush you loved the man.

Even though everyone was always creeped out by him you couldn't find a way to be scared by him at all. You found his smiles sweet. Not that anyone would ever notice that is. You had an emotionless face much like Sweden and Norway as well as never blushing so no one knew what you were feeling. Ever. Some people found this a problem but others just accepted it and understood that this was just the way you were.

When you realised that this whole thing was going nowhere you started to pack up your papers and put them into your satchel. No one really took notice of you leaving as they were all to busy fighting, but little did you know that two violet orbs were watching you take you your leave.

Russia's P.O.V~

I was getting rather annoyed with all the other country's arguments so close that I was about to bring out my special friend (A/N if you know what he means than you deserve a cookie ) they were distracting me from looking at my sunflower.
I grew concerned when I saw her sigh and start to pack up her things and leave the room. No one took notice of her absence. I wondered what caused her to leave, than it hit me.

I stood up and pulled my pipe (A/N coughcough special friend coughcough ) out of my jack and slammed it onto the table with my purple aura surrounding me *KOLKOLKOL*. Everyone went silent. I glared at them harder than I ever had, as I was furious that they had made my sunflower upset.
I started heading towards the door as a voice called out. " W-where are y-you going?" It was that stupid American. I turned around and glared harshly at him making him flinch. " To get (C/N) da?" As I said that I flung the doors open and walked out in search of my sweet sunflower.

Your P.O.V~

You let out a large sigh as you settled yourself on a bench in front of the sunflower fields(A/N Don't question it it's important to the story). You rested your hands on your lap. Why do they even have these meetings if all they do is fight. They say its to solve all the worlds problems but to be honest it's really just a get together to argue. Useless.

To be honest the only reason you went to these things was so that you could get to see Ivan. You didn't really have any other excuse to see him. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back embracing the peacefulness that was around you as you let a soft smile grace you face. But you let it drop as you felt a presence over you. You opened your eyes and got confused when you saw who was standing over you.

"I-Ivan?" Damn stutter. "Pryvet (C/N)" he said as he let a childlike smile grace his lips. " I noticed you leaving the room, you are okay da?" He asked as he let a concerned look grow on his face as he sat down beside you. " I'm not okay Ivan. These world meetings are stupid, we shouldn't even have them in the first place. All they ever do is fight and it gives me a headache and irks me every time." You stopped to rub your temple to prove your case further. "Do you want me to hit them with my pipe sunflower?" This made you stop and do something you hadn't done in a long time. You let out a laugh. A pure laugh with a great big smile on you face. Unknown to you Ivan was watching you with pure joy. The woman he loved was laughing at a joke he had made. Well maybe it was a joke to you. But as he sat there and watched you laugh his heart clenched and he felt a fluttery feeling in his heart.

When your laughing had subsided to giggle you turned to him and said " Thank you for the offer Ivan, as much as I would like that we can't do that." He looked a little sad but then his face brightened up as he saw what was in front of him. The sunflower field.

He stood up and reached his hand out to yours. After you let yourself laugh you felt that there was no more need to hide you emotions so, you blushed and took his hand as he started dragging you to the sunflower field. When you got to an open area he turned to you and sighed as he grabbed your other hand. A look of anxiety crossed his face as he looked into your eyes. You had to tilt your head up a little bit in order to see him properly as he was quite tall.

"(Y/N) there's something I need to tell you..." (A/N sorry he's going to be a bit ooc here) You simply nodded as he reached up and cupped your cheek in his big gloved hands.He sighed and darted forward and connected your lips with his. Your eyes widened in surprise and slowly fluttered closed as you melted into the kiss and wrapped you arms around his neck. He kissed you so softly and gently as his hands slowly but surely settled onto your hips. The kiss started to get a bit stronger as he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You opened you mouth as his tongue darted into your mouth claiming his territory.

You wished this could last forever but unfortunately you both had to pull away for air. When you broke apart you were gasping for air as he just smiled down and you and pulled you body towards his in a tight hug.

" I love you my little sunflower."

You smiled so hard that it hurt your cheeks. " I love you to Ivan."

" Become one with me Da?"


BOOM Happy ending! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this it took me a while to get the story plot just right. Im not very good at writing happy stuff. Weird right? Anyways I really enjoyed writing this one. Russia is probably one of my favourite characters based off of how awesome he is. Sorry for the amount of author notes in here. But look out for the next one its going to be Sweden. I WILL MAKE HIM BREAK HIS STOIC FACE. Anyways till next time my little Enders ~ Ender

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