With the Savanaclaw boys

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3rd P. O. V



Means meditation.

You took a deep breath, your eyes remain closed. The clouds hovering above you slowly with the wind as the shadow of the tree you sat beneath on are shielding you from the sun's rays of light. Far away from the main building.

Your right leg are place beneath your left knee as your left leg was left dangling down without touching the ground, levitating.

Empty, quietness.

Clearing your minds and concerns that you hold within, the silence and stillness you experience in meditation and the increased happiness and diminished stress, are somewhat relaxing as you dive deeper into the stillness.

The winds blew through your H/C hair as birds and animal came surrounding you with a few song they bring of they're own, singing in their language.

A chipmunk then climb up to you frok the tree it sat on and to your head.

A chipmunk then climb up to you frok the tree it sat on and to your head

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3 rabbits of white and black colour hopping closer and closer to you. The birds flew to your shoulder and chirped as it flapping its wings.

You aren't bothered by the noise they are making as you are already lost in your world and meditation.

You open your eyes as 30 minutes has passed....only to find you're now the unintentional animals magnet.

You blink your eyes for a few times.

As you move your legs to touch the ground, they quickly gave you a lil space after your meditation and you're now sat on the ground. They quickly gather around you once again.

Sighing, the 3 rabbits climb up to your lap and huddled together as they fell asleep.

As you petting their heads, you quickly glance to your side when you heard a rustle in the bush. You kept calm as you stare at the said bush and out....a wolf.

A white wolf.

"Jack, what're you doing here?" You asked.

Jack went closer to you in his wolf form and sat next to you. "Nothing really, just taking a walk. Clearing my mind."

You tilted your head. "In this form?"

He nodded.

"Why in this form? You know you can just go with your human form." You said as Jack scooted closer to you and the animals which they got scared and ran away.

Except for the 3 rabbits. They're still sleeping.

Jack didn't answer your question and kept silent. Truth is, he saw you with the animals before saw how you treated them and so, he wanted the same treatment as the animals.

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