Appreciate, your past and fever

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I'm maKiNg tHis chapTer in tHE mIDdle of The night 😵😲 pleAsE forgive mE for the laTE UpdAtE for I don't haVE MotivatIoN to WrIte. Probably MadE thE nexT ChaPTer laTe.



3rd P. O. V

"Ciel, don't tease Ruu like that." You shook your head at the boy and he immediately stop teasing the little boy.

"Sorry." He apologized with a shrugged.

Your mother is staring straight pass the window glass with a concern expression. "It's 7 p.m and it's still pouring buckets out there. I hope tonight didn't get so cold like last year. And futhermore, it's snowing." You made a face. "It's winter mom." Your mother nodded. "I know."

"Is anyone catching a cold?" Your father asked. You, including your siblings, shook their heads.

Your mother sat in her seat next to your father and continue eating just as everyone did. "Oh, Y/N, you seem to be very close with Mrs Rosehearts son. Do you have any.....relationship with him?" Your mother asked, eyebrows wiggling. You shook your head. "Nothing. Just friend."

"That's good." Ciel and Ruu whisper.

"Really? The way I see it, you both didn't seem like in a normal "friend" relationship." Your sister spoke up, obviously wanted to help your mother. You gave her a blank stare. "Really. We're nothing more than just a friend. That's all there is to it."

Your mother and sister scan your face, trying to find some kind of expression. Nervous or.....shy or embarrassed or something but there really aren't any. All there is, is a poker face. One that can never leave you. Well, for a short while it did.

Unsatisfied, your sister sigh along with your mother. "You sure you're not in a relationship with him?" You nod.

"Why are you so worked up about this?" You gave the two a suspicious look and they shrugged your stare off. "Nothing. We just saw how close you are with him and thought maybe you guys are dating." Your sister reason and you accepted it wholeheartedly.

"I'm done." You said as you stood up and left the dining room to your room.


"Let's blow this city to ashes and see what pow-pow thinks. It's such pathetic neatness—" You're stopped by the sound of knocking on your door and you turn around when you heard the door open. "Ciel? You need anything?"

Ciel closes the door and approach you. "Big sis Y/N, you really.... don't have any relationship with him?" You were confused as to why he had asked you that. "Riddle-senpai? No, we don't. We're friends." You turned back to face your notebook. "Why you ask? Don't tell me it's mom and big sis." Ciel shook his head. "No, it's me. I'm just.... curious?"

"You doesn't sound convinced yourself."

"I don't?"


"Well, maybe because I am." Ciel sat down next to you and leaned on your chest. "Do you have a crush?" You place a hand on his head and gently patting his hair. "No. I never had eye on anyone. And I'm not interested in getting myself in a relationship. I have to focus on my band."

"Will you like someone eventually? Will you leave us and go with them?" You gaze down at your stepbrother and kiss his head. "Maybe to both of your question."

Ciel pick his head up and sat on your lap. "Please don't leave us."

"I can't promise you that."

NRC'S girl [TWST x FEM! Reader!]Where stories live. Discover now