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Welp, you made the call. Even though it was just a simple scheduling, it felt like you were already doing the interview over the phone. You barely even spoke to the guy; you mostly just hummed to his responses. He seemed like a nice person to talk to, but you'll never get used to talking over the phone; especially with people of higher authority than you.

But, anyways, the man requested to see you later on today with the filled out application. He confirmed that his name is Todd, he said that he's the site manager of the place. Since it was a lot to remember, you wrote everything down on a piece of paper, just in case. It would be shameful for you to forget someone as high standing as him.

Since you've got everything set up, now you have to change out of your normal attire and into something that's more proper-looking. You wanted to at least look presentable for the interview!

You made your way over to your room and went straight for your closet. You opened the door, revealing not too many clothes on their hangers. You squinted your eyes, cursing yourself in your mind for not having the time to buy clothes, even though you never really wanted to buy many clothes to begin with. Sighing in dissatisfaction, you decided to choose a random article of clothing: a (F/N) turtleneck sweater, a black skirt, black see-through tights, and a pair of black flats.

 Sighing in dissatisfaction, you decided to choose a random article of clothing: a (F/N) turtleneck sweater, a black skirt, black see-through tights, and a pair of black flats

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[Mmmm lazy drawing :,)... I like purple— and you probably have that reaction cuz you wearing a skirt 👁👁]

Even though this isn't formal, it'll surface for the time being. You acted swiftly, changing from the clothes you were wearing before into the clothes chosen for the interview. You went over to your full-length mirror, examining how you look. The clothing of choice was pretty decent; but you might have to find some different bottoms to go with your new look though. The skirt that you owned was pretty old, and short.

You take a glance over to your clock that hung on the wall, seeing that it was almost time for your interview with Todd. Your eyes widen in surprise, time went by so fast; we're you looking inside your closet for that long? Quickly, you went out your room and grabbed your belongings, along with your resume, from your coffee table. After grabbing what you've needed, you dashed straight out your home and to your truck.


It was a 20 minute drive to your destination, so luckily it wasn't too far from home. You slide your keys into your pocket, then you grabbed your resume, tucking it under your arm before hopping out of your truck. You lock your door manually before shutting it.

With a twist of your heels, you face towards the building; finally, the moment has come. You examine the building that towered over you with a semi timid smile. 'Nintendo of America,' that's where you'll be working; well, you can only hope for that at the moment.

Your feet walked on their own towards the entrance. While walking, you began to think about your future in this place; if you ever end up working here. In your mind, you so desperately hoped that Prof. Jeremy made the right choice on giving you the resume. You sadden at the thought of letting your sweet and caring professor down with the news of not getting the job, along with having all that time wasted only to end up being rejected-

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