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'Morning, (N/N)!! happy sunday-fundayy!!!!'

You look at the text message, laughing happily as you began to text Johnny back.

'Good morning, John! :)'

There was a long pause before there was another response sent by him.

'what you do today?'

You glance at the time on your phone; it read 11:47am.

'Gonna go to the mall and meet up with Jonathan and his son in a couple of hours.'

Not long after, Johnny responded with 'thats coolio, have fun!!'

You thanked him right after, ending the message with another deserving smiley face. Honestly, you liked his enthusiasm, even if it's through text— somehow, through some of the random text, you can hear his voice when reading them in your head.

Then, you put your phone back down and went over to your closet, choosing the most comfortable clothing that you can find; you don't need to be too fancy— you didn't need to show off or anything. And it's not like you're ever going to a five-star restaurant in the mall.


You walk over to your phone again, picking it up and checking the message; it was Jonathan.

'Hello (Y/N), I wanted to make sure that the plans haven't changed for today?'

'Nope, still coming'

What was sent from Jonathan after that was a smiley face, then another text following after that saying, 'Great! See ya when it's time.' It was calming to know that he was comfortable enough to send you emoticons during this period of your friendship.

Once again, you put your phone down, leaving your room and heading to the kitchen. There was a good amount of time left, so you took the opportunity to go around and pick a few things to make for yourself to eat. You would want to eat now so you can waste time eating while being comfortable, rather than eating last minute when you're about to leave. The second option should never happen. Ever. Your excuse is the fear of being late.




Well, you should get started on your food. No time should be wasted!


You ate your food, finishing it up calmly, savoring every bite. Of course you still had some time left when finishing your meal, it was definitely worth it by not waiting any later to eat. Standing up from your seat, you proceeded to put your utensils in the sink to wash later, and went to get prepared to leave. Suddenly, the buzz of your phone went off with the sound of a ping right after; you went to check your phone.

'Have extra extra fun today (N/N)!!!!'

A heartfelt sigh left your lips while your heart fluttered joyfully from him having the time to text you once more. Johnny, you're such a sweet man.

'Haha, I will, thank you so much, John. <3'

Your phone went into your pocket one last time before getting ready to finally leave your house; heading towards the front door as you grab your small bag with your essentials inside, along with grabbing your keys that were dangling from the key holder, then headed towards the direction of your truck. You know that you have everything, there was nothing to worry— or even overthink about— at the moment.




[Johnny's P.O.V.]

Wii Fell For You (WDY x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now