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You told Prof. Fitzgerald about the news after his teaching. His reaction... it was— well, the only thing in your vocabulary that you could describe the moment as was over the top. He congratulated you with a big ol' bear hug, shouting a jumble of words that you couldn't even translate.

The only thing you could decode from his words were "—I'll throw a celebratory party—" Personally, that moment felt so special because it's nice to know that someone cared for your achievements.

At the moment, you were at home; getting ready for your first day at work. It was the next day already and you just came back from doing your classes. You put the same turtleneck on as yesterday, but this time decided to wear pants with a pair of plain white socks and Converse shoes. Since you saw people in more casual wear yesterday, might as well be comfortable yourself!

You slid your clothes on, not wasting anymore time doing anything else and went out the door with your keys and other belongings. You dashed straight for your truck and left your driveway, feeling ecstatic about what was in store for you today.


You arrived at work, parking your truck in the closest available parking spot. You got out, grabbed your things and locked your door, then you walked with a stride towards the building with a wide grin. You've never felt this happy doing anything job-related in your life, ever.

You entered through the automatic sliding doors, walking towards the direction of Todd's office; you needed to see him so he can tell you what to do and where you'll be stationed at.

Luckily, you remembered the route you and Mike took to get to Todd's office. Now that Mike's on your mind, you wondered where he was right now; you kinda wanted to see him again. He's just a nice guy to talk to and you hoped that you could work with him; maybe he could help train you too or something. Well, since you're an intern at the moment, he could have a chance of helping you.

Finally arriving at Todd's door, you knocked with a chime. On the other side, Todd was surprised from the sudden cheeriness of the knock. He raised an eyebrow of suspicion; no one was usually this happy to be working here, so he wondered who it was on the other side.

"Come in."

You opened the door, revealing yourself with that same wide grin and waved at Todd. When you were in his sight, he sat straight in his chair. Oddly, he was surprised that you were the one at his door with a positive aura. Somehow, he found himself chuckling at your behavior, happy to see a face like yours showing enthusiasm when in his office.

"Hello again, (Y/N). You seem ecstatic about today." Todd got up from his seat and began walking over to you. "Are you ready?"

You hummed with a nod. Todd went in front of you, then opened the door for you to go through first.

"After you."

You gave Todd a closed-eye smile, silently thanking him, then went through the door with him following right behind you. You waited for him as he put up a sign on his door, saying that he'll be right back. After doing that, he went in front of you, now with you following behind him.

You both went on a little journey to your station, turning a couple of corners. Then, you both stopped at another door labeled 'Server Room.'

"The server room is one of the shortcuts to getting between the cubicles and my office."

Todd opened the server room door and allowed you to enter first. You went through, immediately noticing the change in lighting; it was pretty dim, almost pitch black. After about a few seconds, your pupils adjusted to the darker lighting. You examine the place; well, the name pretty much explains everything. It was a hall with server towers lining the walls. The flickering lights from the towers were the closest you'll ever get to properly illuminating the place; especially when needing to see where you're going.

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