/ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟹\

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You finished your small stack of work, just in time for your break.

You sigh in relief, getting up from your seat. Standing up, you yawned with a stretch, hearing your bones pop to your satisfaction. After doing that, you put your monitor on sleep mode and proceeded to head over to get a drink. Hopefully you can find some sort water dispenser or coffee machine close by, since you haven't explored much in the building.

And luck was on your side, because near the server room, you stumbled upon a simplistic table with some delights in baskets and other appliances on top. You were glad to spot a coffee machine with some pre made coffee already brewed for the next person to treat themselves with. You grabbed a paper cup, then helped yourself to some coffee. You put whatever you need in your coffee and stirred everything in [If you don't like to add anything, then just disregard this sentence-]. After that, you decide to grab a couple of treats and then went to go lean yourself on a nearby wall, resting on it.

After a couple of minutes passed by of doing whatever, you spot two people coming towards your way. One of them you recognized to be Mike, but the other guy with him you've never met.

As Mike got closer to where you were at, he noticed your presence.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Mike waved, a gleeful smile grew onto his face. You waved back at him with a smile of your own. "So glad to see that you're here with us!"

You mentally told him that you were happy to see Mike again as well, even though he couldn't hear your thoughts; you can't wait to work with him sometime soon.

"Oh, so you're the new girl, (Y/N)?"

You look over to the guy next to Mike with a raised eyebrow, wondering who he was. You nodded to his question.

"Ah, ok. Name's Jonathan." He smiled. "Mike couldn't stop talking about you ever since he saw you yesterday."

Mike punched Jonathan's arm with a glare, making him flinch back in shock.

"Mike, what the hell, man!"

Jonathan winced, rubbing his arm to ease the pain.

"You didn't need to say that in front of her!"

You grinned at the two bickering, slightly enjoying the moment; then you forced yourself to clear your throat. The two boys stop to look at you. Mike had a moment of realization and his face heated up from embarrassment.

"Anyways—" Jonathan spoke up, "I'd like to see you more often, maybe we can all hang out sometime?"

You nod, you we're happy that people wanted to be your friend here already... even though you were the quiet type. Very quiet type.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, you had a feeling; like another pair of eyes were watching you. You were puzzled, and began searching around to find the source of that feeling. The two boys looked at you with the same expression you held, kind of worried if you're about to have a panic attack, or maybe even hallucinating.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Jonathan spoke with slight concern. "You seem paranoid... is something bothering you?"

Then, you spot a pair of blue eyes staring straight at you from in between the guys.

Then, you spot a pair of blue eyes staring straight at you from in between the guys

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Wii Fell For You (WDY x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now