lemon's trivia bc im bored and curious

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ok some of this shit made me laugh in the middle of health class so yeah.

~There's a running gag that lemon has a crush on akane and vice versa.

~I don't even know what to say for this one but i hate it when people just assume i like someone so idk how they would deal with that.

~According to old 4komas, lemon looks like a "bad boy" type and Aoi thinks he's cool. This apparently leads akane to  believe lemon must be killed.

~for some reason that one made me laugh the most, i don't even know why but it did.

~Due to their names being in alphabetical order lemon's book in the 4pm book stack is right next to nene's.

~once again idk what to say for this one, i'm hungry and bored bc i hate health lol.

~Both his first name and last name is a type of yellow in japanese, yamabuki yellow and lemon yellow.

~i knew lemon yellow was a thing but not yamabuki yellow, so yeah that's cool.

thats all thats in his trivia, sorry i'm only posting stuff from the wiki's trivia i just don't know what to post but i still wanna post on this so i'll just keep doing this until people start requesting, but once again thank u so much for reading i really appreciate it! have a amazing day\ night! and don't forget to drink some water and get a bunch of sleep! 


~Bonz <3  

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