Tsukasa's trivia because holy shit what the hell is this

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I swear to fucking god what the hell is this, in all honesty i kinda fucking scared i meant holy shit. alright lets get started...

~Tsukasa's favorite snack is amane.

~His latest concern is amane

~what he wants for christmas is amane

~his preferred type is amane

~Tsukasa wants to spend time with Amane

~F in the chat for Amane lol

~Tsukasa has no comment about how he feels about lightning.

~Yeah i don't think he's scared of anything

~He's still passionate about doing katanuki (whatever that is), even as a supernatural

~He like painting the walls with blood or ink from a bug

~I can just imagine sakura walking down the halls and seeing bug blood on the walls, she's probably thinking "Damn Tsucaca back at it again w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶o̶s̶e̶ ̶w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶v̶a̶n̶s̶   painting on the walls with bug guts" (This is an edit rq, i wanted to reread this one and i read it outloud and said balls instead of walls)

~The kanji in tsukasa's first name translates to "control, to rule"

~The kanji in his surname translate to "citrus fruit" and "tree" (there was some kanji in this one but idk how to put it in here lol.)

ANYWAYS! Thats all for today! Sorry this was late i usually post in my social studies class bc he doesn't care (yeah i have cool teachers ) but we didn't use our computers today so here i am in math lol, anyways have a wonderful day/night! I love you all!

~Bonz <3

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