Chapter 4: Sleepover

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By the time everyone arrived to Pegasus City, it was sunset, everyone unpacked their bags and got ready for sleep.

Later, it was dark.

Pipp sneaked into her mother's room, she looked at her from her bed.

Pipp flew out and closed the door.

"Alright everyone, my mother is sleep so you know what that means."

"Girl stuff!."
Everyone cheered but Zipp & Hitch.

"Uh..N-no I did NOT come home to do a sleepover for this."
Zipp stuttered.

"Scared of, makeup, sister?."

Pipp pointed hoof-polish at her sister.

Her eyes went small.


Everyone laughed.

1 hour later..

"Done! Your hoof-polish and mane-doo is all done being do." Pipp giggled.

Zipp not happy with her makeup nor mane-doo.

Izzy and Sunny sat and watched TV.

Izzy accidentally threw a pillow at Sunny.

It hit her on the head.


She said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oop- sorry Sunny, di-did I hurt you??."

Izzy tried to put her hoof on her shoulder.

Sunny than walked a few steps.

She than turned around and than LEAPED on Izzy.

They rolled until they hit a wall.

"I'm gonna hit you where it hurts...."

Sunny said.

Sunny tickled Izzy to her death,

She couldn't stop laughing.

Izzy kicked her hooves.

"St-stop it Sunny..! No fair- AH- HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!."

Pipp stared, she joined in.

She grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.

The two stated.

They turned around and smirked.

They leaped onto Pipp.

Izzy ran to the couch and grabbed a pillow and started hitting Pipp with it.

"Oh so now it's a pillow fight, huh?."

Sunny smirked.

She grabbed her pillow and they all did a pillow fight.

Hitch and Zipp joined in.

Laughing echoed all over the room.


"Yeah that was funny!."

The others laughed.


It was the middle of the night, the girls were sleeping.

Hitch got up to get something to eat.

The food was for royals only, and he knew it was wrong.

But he had to eat.

While looking,

Zipp got up.

Zipp looked up and noticed there was turquoise light on the floor.

She sneaked to the light.

She peaked.

It was Hitch.

"Well well well... isn't it Sheriff Hitch..."

The pegasus marched.

"Oh... Zephyrina, anything you need, your royal, highness?."

The two circled around the small kitchen.

"What I need you to do, is to STAY OUT OF MY WAY!."

She snapped.


He yelled.

"I said...CALL ME ZIPP!."

Zipp flew Hitch against the wall.

He flew back.

His head in pain, he rubbed his neck.

His vision finally unblurred, Zipp was charging toward him, what could he do?

He had no wings, not a horn, he was just an

ordinary earth pony with a sheriff job.

He spotted a table near him.

He grabbed it and threw it at Zipp.

Hitch kicked her down.

Zipp flew back up, she kicked the refrigerator, it pressed against a shelf.

It crashed down on him.

The two fought and fought after Hitch gotten free.

Zipp flew up and back down.

Pinning Hitch down, as they slid across the floor.

"I told you this once...and I'll tell you again, Sunny...Is.... MINE!."

She kicked his face.


Hitch flew in, kicking, punching, throwing.

Pipp woke up and the others did too.

They rushed to the scene.


The others tried to pull Hitch away from Zipp.

"Guys... what's happening..?."

Sunny walked through.

The two stopped, and tried to come up with the best lie that made sense.

"I was getting food, Zipp attacked me."

Hitch said.

Zipp tried to lie on him to unbox the truth.

"No, I was just going to do something and he hit me, so we started fighting."

"Don't lie! Don't try and keep the truth from being unboxed!."
Hitch growled.

"Okay! Everyone! Let's clean this up and go back to sleep! YOU TWO, stay away from each other."

Pipp declared.

Later they were done cleaning up and all went back to sleep, Hitch and Zipp separated.

"I'll get you yet, Hitch."

"I'll get you yet, Pegasus.."
The two thought.

In the morning Sunny woke up and she remembered something about her house.

She snuck out and went to her house.

She walked inside, everything was still inside, but what she didn't know, is that something was missing...

She than went back, she went to take a walk instead of go back in the castle.

She hopped up a cliff, it was mist underneath a big stone she sat on.

Two ponies were behind her.....

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