Chapter Six: Honeymoon

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When Tori wakes me up early the morning after our wedding, I ask her to let me sleep a little bit longer, but she says that if I do, we'd be late for our flight to the Bahamas. "Okay, okay, I'm getting up!" I say, jumping out of bed and getting ready for the day. After a quick breakfast, we drive to the airport to board our flight. Once we're on our flight, I decide to turn on my iPod and put my earbuds in and listen to some music. "Whatcha listening to?" Tori asks. "Just some music. You probably wouldn't like it very much," I say. "Hey, we're married now, and besides, I've never really minded the music you listen to," she says. "True. Here, put this in your ear," I say, offering her one of my earbuds. She takes it and puts it in her ear, while I switch my other earbud to my left ear. "Huh. This is actually pretty good. Who sings this song?" She asks. "Uhh... I think it's a band called VantaVoid," I say. "They're pretty good," Tori says. "Yeah, I suppose," I reply with a shrug. During the flight, we listen to some of my music, which Tori surprisingly likes. When we land in the Bahamas, we get a rental car and drive to the hotel we're going to be staying at. "Wow. Two weeks in a beautiful place like this? I couldn't imagine a better honeymoon," Tori says. "I could," I say. "How?" She asks. "Any honeymoon that I get to share with you is a better honeymoon," I say. "Oh you!" She says happily, tackling me with a hug. I return her hug and ask her what she wants to do for the rest of the day. "After all we've been doing the past two days or so, I'd really love to get some sleep," she says. "Me too, babygirl," I say, so we both get ready for bed, have some dinner, and go to bed.

The next morning, I wake up and find Tori nearby, smiling at me. "Why are you smiling at me like that?" I ask, and then I realize that she's wearing a bikini. "I take it you want to go to the beach today, then?" I ask. "Yeah. I think it'd be nice to go swimming together," she says. "You're totally right," I say with a smile as I go to the bathroom to get ready to go. When we get to the beach, Tori playfully splashes me with water, and I return the favor before swimming out a little ways. "The water feels nice and cool compared to the air," she remarks. "I was just thinking about that. The water is a really pretty color, babygirl," I say. "Hey, you're right, it is a pretty color," she says. "Yeah, I have my moments where I'm right," I say, making her giggle as I swim up under her and lift her up on my shoulders. "Woah! Jade, please put me down!" She yells. "Come on, I know you're enjoying it. Besides, you can see a bit more this way, 'cause you're higher up," I say. "True, but I'd really like to go back down," she says. "As you wish," I say, carefully slipping her off my shoulders before popping back up and wrapping my arms around her neck. "You look beautiful with wet hair, babe," she says softly. "I can't understand why your hair is still perfectly dry," I say, and she dives under the water for a few moments, then comes back up with her hair soaking wet. "How about now?" She asks. "You look beautiful with wet hair too, babygirl," I say. "I love you so darn much, Jade West," she says. "I love you too, Tori West," I reply. "Okay, that's gonna take some getting used to," she says. "What, that your last name is West instead of Vega?" I ask. "Yeah," she says. "Well, I think it suits you pretty well," I say.

After we went swimming, we decide to check out some of the local attractions before returning to the hotel. The rest of the day is a bit of a blur, but I know that I enjoyed every second of it.


About a week into our honeymoon, Jade and I have become bored. We can't think of anything to do together that we haven't already done, until one day I find out about a local scuba diving program. I bring it up to Jade, and she agrees to check it out. "I've always secretly loved sea creatures," Jade says while we're getting ready to go scuba diving for the first time. "So have I, albeit not secretly," I say. "I remember, babygirl," she says softly, and then she gently kisses my neck where it meets my shoulder. "Babe, not here. We have all night for that," I say, knowing what she wants. "What can I say? Seeing you in a bikini every day for the past week was bound to get to me sometime," she says. "Alright, I'll give you that one, since I'm the same way about you," I say with a smile. "Your smile is so beautiful, babygirl," she says, returning my smile with one of her own. "So is yours, babe," I say. "Okay, let's focus on scuba diving now, kay babygirl?" She asks. "Okay babe. That is what we came here to do, after all," I say. We dive into the ocean at the same time, and when the bubbles clear, it's like we've traveled to an entirely different world. I can see so many different things that I've only ever seen on TV before, and it's beautiful. Not as beautiful as Jade, but still beautiful. I notice a pod of dolphins coming towards us, and I motion to Jade that I want to try to join them. She nods and follows me as I carefully approach the dolphins, and when I reach them, I gently place my hand on the side of one of them. I start to gently rub the dolphin's back, and I notice Jade doing the same with another dolphin. I can tell that she's smiling widely, and would probably be laughing if it wasn't for the scuba gear.

When we return to the surface and take off the scuba gear, I look over at Jade and smile. "That was so amazing, babygirl. I'm glad you found that local diving program. I really enjoyed it," Jade says. "Me too. Maybe we can see if we can get some scuba diving gear back in L.A., then we could go scuba diving whenever we want to," I say. "Except winter," Jade reminds me. "Yes, except in winter," I say. "That and we probably won't be doing any diving next year either, if we get chosen for Dr. Ryan's experiment," she says. "I suppose that makes sense. I can see a number of ways that could go wrong, babe," I say. "You and me both," Jade replies.


When we return home from our honeymoon, Tori and I find a small package waiting for us on our couch. "What the chiz?" Tori asks. "I have no idea," I say simply. I walk over to see if there's a card, and sure enough, there is, so I open it and start to read, Tori looking over my shoulder to read it, too.

To Jade and Tori,
Hope you guys had a great time on your honeymoon. We got you guys a little something for when you decide to start a family, which we heard could be sooner than we thought.
Lots of love,
André, Beck, Cat, Robbie, and Trina

I look at Tori, who has a shocked look on her face. "How could they possibly know that we're thinking of starting our family sooner than they thought?" She asks. "Someone must have told them that we applied for Dr. Ryan's experiment. It must have been one of our parents," I say. "I think you're right, babe. So what do we do?" She asks. "If anyone mentions something about it, we just have to be honest with them," I reply. "Okay. Let's see what they got us," she says. "Way ahead of you, babygirl," I say, taking a pair of scissors out of the waistband of my skirt and cutting open the wrapping paper of the object, then put my scissors back where they were and taking the rest of the wrapping paper off by hand. "Oh, look at this! It's so sweet!" Tori says when she's able to get a good look at it. I oblige her request and look at what we got from our friends. It's a log with an engraved design of a few music notes, a camera, a script, and a director's chair surrounding the words The West Family. I grin as I take in the details of it, amazed that our friends would go to so much trouble to get us something so unique. "We have the best friends in the world, babygirl," I say. "Yeah, we sure do, babe," Tori replies, kissing my cheek and smiling at me.

Well, another chapter finished. This story is coming along much quicker than I had anticipated. Granted, it took me a little while to update after the first chapter, but once I reread what I had already written, the ideas just started to come to me. And now, for another quote from America's favorite Cable Guy: "Hey, it looks like all 15 passengers in the Jose Cuervo car are still waiting on a jump start. I think the officials are gonna also make them unhook the lawn maintenance trailer from the back of the car. Well, they should, Rikki, they threw a shovel and a weed blower around turn two." - Larry the Cable Guy. Bye for now!

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