Chapter Thirteen: Lisa and Cat's Wedding

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The day before Lisa and Cat's wedding, Tori and I decide to surprise Cat with a gift, something she can wear during the wedding. It's a pendant with a picture of Cat on one side, and a picture of Lisa on the other side. When we get to her house, she's already waiting for us outside. After helping Tori out of the car, we both walk over to her, and I give her the pendant. "Also, what are you doing out here?" I ask. "Oh, that. Um... Lisa's kinda become a nightmare. She wants everything to be absolutely perfect for tomorrow, and she won't listen to me when I tell her that we'll remember it forever whether it's perfect or not," Cat replies. "I'll go talk to her. She usually listens to me when she gets like you just said she is," I say, walking into the house without another word.

"Jade, I'm busy," Lisa says, but I ignore her. "Did you hear me?" She asks. "Oh, I heard you. We need to talk. Now," I say. "I have too much to do. I can't talk to you right now," she says. "You can take a break for like ten minutes, relax," I say. Lisa says nothing, but sits down anyway. "Why do you feel like this wedding needs to be perfect? You and Cat are gonna remember it forever whether it's perfect or not," I say. "I just want her to know that I did my absolute best to make it the most memorable event of her life," she says. "Cat doesn't mind any of that. Heck, it'd be the most memorable day of her life if you and her got married right now with me officiating the ceremony," I say. "Are you qualified to do that?" She asks. "Yes. Here's my certificate or whatever," I say, pulling it up on my phone. "Oh. Uh... would you be willing to do it now?" Lisa asks. "As long as Cat agrees, sure," I say, and Lisa runs out to talk to Cat.

Shortly thereafter, Lisa and Cat walk inside, with Tori behind them. "We're gonna go put on our wedding dresses, if one of your guys could help one of us," Lisa says. I pick Cat, leaving Tori to help Lisa. "Are you excited to get married?" I ask Cat. "More than I ever have been before!" She says happily. "I can tell. I'm happy that I can officiate my best friend's wedding," I say. "Thanks for offering to do that, by the way," she says. "No problem. You look great," I say when I'm done helping her get ready. "Thank you, Jade!" Cat says. We leave her room and meet up with Tori and Lisa, preparing for the ceremony. "Are we all ready?" I ask. "Yes," Tori says. "Absolutely," Lisa says. "Of course!" Cat says animatedly. "Then let's get started," I say, and Cat faces Lisa, while Tori pulls up a nearby chair and sits down. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Cat Valentine and Lisa Jackson. Cat, if you would start with your vows," I say. "Lisa, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met, and you always will be. I will do everything that I can to make sure that you're happy," she says, and I turn to Lisa. "Cat, I was in awe the day we met. It was love at first sight for me. I love every little quirk of your personality, and I want you to always feel like you can come to me to talk about anything. Your happiness is everything to me," Lisa says. "Do you, Cat, take Lisa, to be your wife?" I ask. "I do," she says, surprisingly calm. "And do you, Lisa, take Cat, to be your wife?" I ask Lisa. "I do," she says with a smile. "Then I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride," I say, standing back as Cat leaps into Lisa's arms and kisses her deeply.

"That was really sweet. Those two are perfect for each other," Tori says. "Yeah. Just like you and me are perfect for each other," I say. "You sweetheart," Tori says, smiling at me before wincing ever-so-slightly. "Hard kick?" I ask simply. "Yeah. I can't believe that we only have two more months before we get to meet her," she says, gently stroking her baby bump. "Neither can I, babygirl," I say, kissing her bump softly. "You're awesome, you know that?" She asks. "I have for a little while," I say, making her laugh.

Sorry this chapter is so short. I just kinda ran out of ideas for it. The next one should be better though. Anyway, another quote from America's favorite Cable Guy: "We had an awesome time with a remote control fart machine that we planted at an old folks home and then I took 'em all to the bass pro shop to eat some stink bait." - Larry the Cable Guy. Bye for now!

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