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Daniel's eyes fluttered open at the sound of muffled voices. He looked around his dark room, moonlight shining  through the window. Looking at his 3 year old sister  He walked up to the door and heard "Where are the kids". He slowly opened the door and peered through. All eyes were on him now.

There were at least 6 men in military gear, and his parents were held at gunpoint. A man, wearing a black leather trench-coat, seemingly  in his mid 30's crouched in front of a six year old Daniel.

Daniel was frozen in shock. The man's eyes were forest green and looked haunting. "Hello, my name is Janson. I'm a friend of your parents", he spoke, glancing back at the two people, he nodded to his men as they cocked their guns.

His mother looked at Daniel with glossy eyes and whispered "Take care of your sister."
A loud gunshot rang through the house followed by a high pitched scream.

Janson grabbed the kid and whispered in his ear "We are going to be great friends". He looked inside his room and saw a little girl still sleeping.  He grinned devilishly. 

"Daniel!". His sisters voice which rang through the comms seemed to bring him out of his trance.  "Are  you listening".

"Yes I'm bloody listening!", he exclaimed as he stared down the sight of his sniper rifle at his target, The pope . 

"I'm just saying this mission is important if we have to get rid of S.A.T.O.R.", she spoke in a soft tone. 

"I realize the importance of this mission sister. Don't worry I won't miss." 

"By the way, the Black widow is there too.", Teresa said in a teasing tone.

"And you're telling me this now!"

"Why are you worried your crush will kick your arse again", she said. Daniel could basically feel her smirking. "Oh sod of!"

"Alright the Pope's coming down now.". The Pope, a man in his late 70's could be seen descending down the steps of the large hall. Daniel, code-named 'Hunter', was atop a building with a clear view of the hall. 

He took a deep breath and concentrated, the gun aimed at The Pope's head. 

Down in the hall, a woman in red hair, and a ridiculously attractive face, walked up to the Pope. "Sir. I am to be your security detail tonight.", she said to him. "Ah, Miss Romanoff. Plea-". Before the Pope could finish his sentence, he was shot through the head, leaving a few droplets of blood on Natasha's face. 

She tapped her earpiece before speaking, "The Pope has been shot, requesting immediate assistance. Does anyone have a twenty on the shooter.". This was followed by a bunch of 'negative's' and 'no's'. 

Up on the roof, Daniel had already scrambled his rifle and had begun descending down the building. He went inside the hall, wearing a disguise. 

He bumped into Natasha and mumbled a 'sorry' before walking away from her. 

"She didn't recognize you brother, is your heart okay.", Teresa spoke playfully. Daniel just rolled his eyes. 

"WAIT!", a female voice rang through the empty hallway Daniel was walking through. "TURN AROUND AND PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR". He smirked. 

He raised his hands and turned around, his smirk still plastered on his face. "Hello Love." 

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