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"What do you know about the tesseract"
"I know that you want it. And I can help you get it."


"An organization named S.A.T.O.R. is in possession of it. They were using it for human experimentation. Of which I am a live specimen.", Daniel looked down for a second before meeting their eyes again.

"Me and my sister were abducted when I was six years old. They experimented on us. We were two of only three people to survive." Natasha's eyes softened. She knew what it was like to have your childhood stripped away from you and be made into something you didn't desire to.

"They trained us to be the assassins we are today. And all of that came from the tesseract."

"And where is the part where you help us retrieve it."

His lips twitched upward into a smirk. "I know exactly where it's headquarters are."

Fury sighed deeply before speaking, "What do you want from us?"

"Me and my sister walk free. Clean record."

Natasha scoffed, "That's a little hard to arrange."

"Not as hard as locating the tesseract without me."

Fury thought about it and eventually gave in. "Fine."

"Perfect.", Daniel spoke before getting up and walked over to the glass.

"You might wanna take a step back." , he said before placing his palm on the cold glass.

His hand started glowing and the glass shattered into a million pieces.

To say that his interrogators were shocked would be an understatement.

"Right. When do we start."

"What do mean we?"

"Okay, look no offence to you people but I know that place inside and out and you're gonna need me."

"Fine you can come.But I'm gonna need you and your sister."

"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely not-not."





Natasha was watching this exchange with amusement. Two of the most dangerous people on the planet were arguing like little children.

Daniel huffed before giving in.

A/N: So I'm sorry about not updating for two days straight.
It's just I have a lot of assignments. Anyways, I don't even know if anyone is reading this but if you are thank you.

Also please vote and comment. It helps and motivates me to write more.

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