Chapter 17

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Octavia's POV:

"Okay well then we'll all go get ready and shower and whatever else and leave by like 7:30?"

"Sounds like a plan." Clarke replied she smiled and headed on her way upstairs. Bellamy stayed on the couch and I went and sat beside him "Soooo when ya gonna tell Clarke ya like her??" I asked him with a big grin on my face.

"Why would I tell Clarke something that's not true." He was lying I knew he liked her.

"Because it is true Bellamy. And you're going to tell her. If I have to get involved or not."

He shook his head with a small smile on his face as he got up and went upstairs.

Bellamy's POV:

I went up stairs to get ready for Murphy's party. I didn't know what was going to happen tonight. Something crazy always happens last time it was Clarke and Finn which I don't even wanna talk about the time before some girl almost died.

I looked through my dresser I finally settled on a pair of jeans and a blackish blue t-shirt. I changed into them and went downstairs to turn back on the TV.

*2 hours later*

"You guys ready to go?" I looked at Octavia and Clarke as they walked into the room. Clarke was in a black dress with a silver belt and octavia was in a blue dress with a black belt. They were both Octavia's dresses and I know that because I was with her when she bought them. She makes me take her everywhere.

"I guess so." Clarke answered. We went out the door, Clarke sat in the front seat with me and Octavia in the back.

When we got to Murphy's there were people piling into his house. I took Clarke and Octavia around back to get them in through the back door it would be a lot quicker. We got in there and Octavia immediately split from us leaving us alone like always.
"Umm you wanna get a drink and go somewhere it's a little quieter?" Clarke asked.

"Yeah sure I'll go get drinks you wait here." I said over the music.

I went and poured us some drinks when I went back to where Clarke was Finn was heading the same way, towards Clarke. I picked up my pace when I got to her I handed her a drink and then grabbed her hand and dragged her the opposite way of Finn.

"Bellamy what are you doing!" I heard her yelling at me. I pulled her into the first room I saw and as soon as I got in I recognized it, it was Murphy's. I set my drink down and took Clarke's out of her hand to set it down too.

"I was getting you away from Finn is what I was doing."

"You don't need to protect me Bellamy!! I'm not your girlfriend I'm not your sister I'm your FRIEND."
She went to walk out of the room and I quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Clarke wait." Our eyes met "don't leave please. I'm sorry it's just that I like you and even though that sounds childish I do."
I didn't even have time time to think before her lips crashed into mine. It took me a minute to register what was happening after that our lips were moving in sync. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped hers around my neck. I licked her bottom lip begging for permission to deepen the kiss. "Bell- oh um I-i-i I'll just come back later." It was Octavia.

"No it's fine I have to go see Jasper anyways he's supposed to be giving me some moonshine." Clarke said kinda stunned after what just happened. She quickly walked out while rubbing the back of her neck.

"So I see you and Clarke were having a great time in here."

"No uhh actually.."

"Bellamy you don't need to deny it I'm happy you found someone to new to change your attention to you were actually getting pretty annoying." Octavia went on and on.

"Okay so what was so important that you needed to come find me now?"

"I was going to tell you that Murphy was looking for you, well that is until I saw what you and Clarke were doing. And someone told me you were in here."

"Oh." I replied sternly.
I was kinda mad that she walked in on that but at the same time I knew it was best. That shouldn't have went that far and now Clarke and I need to have conversation about what that was. My nights just getting better and better.

{Bellarke} A Love Hate RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now