Chapter 21

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Clarke's POV:

There was a knock on the door. "Go away" I yelled.

"Clarke please unlock the door and let me in." It was Octavia.
She knocked on the door again. I didn't open it. "Open the door Clarke."
She knocked one last time. I still didn't open, I didn't want her to see me crying.
"Well if you're going to be stubborn we're going. To have to do this the hard way."

She left and came back 5 minutes later. The door opened somehow she figured out how to unlock it.

"Clarke, what happened."

"Ask Bellamy. I don't want to talk about it." I wiped the tears of my cheeks.

"I already asked Bellamy! Clarke just tell me."

"Fine, Bellamy brought me to this waterfall, he said it was so we could talk about what happened between us. But I didn't want to talk about it, and I kinda flipped out. He asked me why I kissed him-"

Her mouth dropped. "OH MY GOD YOU KISSED HIM! I thought he kissed you now I owe Lincoln 5 bucks."

"You're really not good at letting people finish what they're saying are you?"

"Nope. Now continue."

"Okay so then I told him it mean't nothing, and I wanted to forget about it just so we didn't argue. Then he agreed that it mean't nothing, but truth is it did mean something to me and knowing that it didn't mean anything to him hurt me."

She rolled her eyes "You really believe that bullshit? He's lying Clarke can't you see that he likes you. Jesus Christ you two are confusing. It mean't something to him Clarke. I promise."
I nodded and she started to walk out.
"Oh and by the way do you have 5 dollars I can borrow?"

I shook my head and laughed "No Octavia that's all on you."

Bellamy's POV:

I got a text from Miller.
'You need to get down to the police station now. They need you in for questioning on what happened to Atom.'

'I'll be there soon.' I replied

I grabbed my car keys and turned off the TV.
I walked by Octavia.
"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Out, and why do you care?"

"Because you're my big brother. Now where?"

"The police station."

"Bellamy what did you do?"

"Nothing." Lincoln said.

"And how would you know that Lincoln?" Octavia turned to him, I could see that they were going to argue.

"Guys I really don't have time for your silly little relationship problems so bye."

"Yeah well I could say the same about you and Clarke." Octavia mumbled.

I rolled my eyes walking out the door.
When I got to the police station I was immediately called in for questioning.

I sat down on one side of the table while the officer sat on the other.
"Now Mr.Blake I'm told that you threatened to kill Atom, is this true?"

"Yes, but I wasn't actually serious."
He wrote something down on his pad of paper.

He continued to talk "And then Nathan jumped on to Atom punching him over and over not give him a chance to fight back but you managed to stop him before he killed him?"

"Yes." I quickly answered.

"And here's where I have two different explainations, John Murphy says that they left you alone with Atom and you finished him off killing him on the scene and Nathan Miller says the two of you left John alone with Atom and when you came back he was dead and John was standing over his dead body. Can you confirm what happened?"

"Miller and I left Murphy alone with Atom and when we came back Murphy was standing over Atoms lifeless body."

"Thank you Mr. Blake that's all I need for now. If I need you for future references I will let you know." The police officers who's name tag read 'Officer Marcus Kane' said walking over to the door to open it gesturing for me to walk out first.

I walked out and Miller wasn't there anymore so I got into my car and drove back home I pulled into my driveway and walked in the front door and into the kitchen. There was a blonde standing by the fridge eating something, it was Clarke.

{Bellarke} A Love Hate RelationshipWhere stories live. Discover now