Chapter two

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He reached for her across the bed and squeezed her right breast hard. She flinched from the pain.

To her dismay, she became wet. His powerful arms drew her to him, she felt his penis poke her butt cheeks, hot and raw against her buttocks, the thin fabric of her red night gown separated them.

He was stark naked, she couldn't see in the dark but she felt it. He tore her nightie from her body. Not the first, definitely not last but one of many.

Ene wore another dress and twirled in front of the mirror. Damn she looked good! She thought. "Dara what do you think of this one?"

Dara looked at it, it was beautiful but she didn't think it was the one. "This is going to be your special day Ene, you have to look fabulous," Dara said "I know."

Ene blushed and stepped out of the gown. She stretched her slim body and tried another dress Dara handed to her.

Immediately Dara saw it she shook her head. It was a white short gown that stopped a few inches above Ene's thigh. The sleeves were very long and it had a transparent cleavage at the front.

"No no no Ene, it's your damn wedding not a strip club." She could already see the smile widen on Ene's face, she knew Ene wanted the gown. "But it's so beautiful," Ene said, already trying on the dress.

Dara face palmed. Ene wore the gown and it looked fabulous on her. She turned and checked herself a million times in the mirror, smiling with satisfaction.

"I fucking love it Dara." "Of course, but you can't wear that, you know. The court won't even marry you."

"True, maybe I should try on another one." "Yeah you should." Dara rolled her eyes. Dara's phone beeped. "Morenike's birthday party is by eight, are you still going?" Dara asked going through her phone.

"Yes, I have to else she'll kill me, remember I didn't go for her last year's birthday."

After trying five dresses Ene finally found one that was not indecent. It was a lacy sky blue gown. She didn't want to take the risk of going to a tailor because her wedding was in five days.

After they left the boutique, they went to Morenike's house. This year Morenike had decided to throw a small party.

Morenike was their classmate in secondary school. She used to be their close friend until she decided she was bigger than Dara and Ene. But over the years Morenike had tried to mend the relationship, but it wasn't possible. Not that Dara and Ene held grudges against her but it wasn't the same anymore.

They entered the house and the party was in full swing. They found Morenike at the corner laughing and acting coy with a boy who had a lot of jewelries on him.

Morenike obviously had bad taste in men Dara thought. "Nike dear, how are you?" Ene greeted smiling. Dara hugged Morenike. "I'm good. I feel younger today." Of course Dara thought, she had been twenty for two years in a row. "We brought something for you." Dara said bringing out a package from House of Tara collection. "Oh my God!"

Morenike covered her mouth, this was the latest collection and it cost a fortune. "Thank you so much dears, this means a lot." She smiled and took the gift from them. Ene and Dara decided to enjoy themselves.

The DJ was a good one and he was serving hot jams.  They danced and the alcohol supply was endless. The jollof rice was particularly delicious. Ene wondered if she would get delicious jollof when she relocated to America.

While dancing, she felt someone's hand on her waist. The hand was sliding down her hips, she wished it was Bradley's but she knew it wasn't. She removed the hand. But it came back and held her waist.

She removed it again then a gruff voice spoke in her ears
"babe, relax."
"No, take your hands off me please."
"Alright" she turned to see who it was, it was the guy that had been talking to Morenike earlier.
"So, are you a virgin?" He grinned showing gold teeth and Ene wondered what it would be like to kiss him.
"No I'm not."
"Then why did take my hands off you?" He asked and Ene shrugged. "Let me get you a drink" he offered
"no thanks I think I've already had too much to drink."
"Please." he insisted and Ene agreed.

He brought two glasses of champagne. Ene took a sip, good stuff she nodded.
"I know." The guy said nodding too.
"So what's your name?" He asked "Ene, you?"
"Jamil." He answered, watching her.
After the third sip from her her glass, Ene started to feel woozy. Her head felt light. Jamil watched her smiling, it was working he thought. He caught her before she fell on the floor and took her to a secret room behind the house.

No one saw or suspected a thing, she just looked like another drunk person, being taken out. He laid her on a bed made with white sheet and proceeded to unzip her body con dress.

He did it slowly, he wanted to savour the moment. He loved the shape of her body, she was slim yet endowed in the right places. Her breasts were perfectly round and raised like it an implant. He squeezed it gently and felt himself grow hard.

But that wasn't why he brought her here. He preyed on rich girls like this. He brought out his camera from his bag. She was out and cold by now.

He positioned her in the angle he wanted and rubbed baby oil on her body till it shone then he proceeded to take pictures. He put his nose in her butt and inhaled deeply, she smelled just how he liked it.

Meanwhile at the party Dara searched for Ene. She asked around but no one had seen the girl in the black and silver body con dress, in fact almost every girl there wore a body con dress. She was already panicking, where could her friend be? She wiped the sweat off her brows, she tried Ene's number it rang but Ene didn't pick. This was bad, so bad.

Jamil knew the effects of the drug would soon wear off, he had to work fast. He spread her legs open and took a picture baring everything, he smirked.

These would cost a lot if he wanted to sell it. But not yet.
When he was done he went to the bathroom and masturbated.

Morenike had CCTV cameras around the house, he couldn't fuck a victim, she would get really mad. When he went back to the room, he realised she was waking up and left immediately with his equipment.

Thanks for reading so far ♥️♥️♥️

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