Love Hotel.

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Kuroo : kenma 😟...

Kenma : what kuroo 😒 not in the mood.

Kuroo : calm down 🙄

Kenma : 😩🖕

Kuroo : 😃

Kenma : what.

Kuroo : u tryna go to a love hotel for the weekends 🤪😎🥶💪

Kenma : no.

Kuroo : WAIT-!
Kuroo : like a normal hang out or hotel but we go to a love hotel bc it's cheaper and it got so much free shit 🤪

Kenma : just why 😒

Kuroo : cmon it'll be fun 😹

Kenma : r u trying to...😄

Kuroo : this one love hotel I go recommended by there's more to it then just smex 🙄

Kenma : a 2 person bath tub 🥶😐

Kuroo : yes but not the point there's a movie room a spa and a mfing arcade😏😩😹 etc etc

Kenma : sure let's go 😋

Kuroo : we can also do more then taht if u want [inserts lip bite emoji] 😘

Kenma : depends ig..🙄

Kuroo : 😟😟??..Fr.

Kenma : bye 🥺🥺🖕

Kuroo : so rude for what 🙄
Kuroo : bye 🤪🖕

(A/N) - idk love hotels where just on my mind should I make a whole different book about a love hotel and stuff 💀

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