Full Moon

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I'm going to take a break from thinking about how awful I feel because of the new moon to talk to you about some of the meanings the full moon has had to humans over the years.

January: Wolf Moon

Supposedly this month was named because wolves could most often be heard howling.  At first it was believed that the wolves howled due to hunger, but a wolf's howl is in actuality most often used to communicate.  Perhaps they expressed their hunger another way.  Thankfully, baku are not as unlucky as those wolves seem to be.

February: Snow Moon

This name is due to the heavy snowfall that occurs during this month.  February in some parts of the world is often thought of as the snowiest month.  Oddly enough, this moon is also sometimes known as Hunger Moon, though that seems like an oxymoron if you ask me.

March: Worm Moon

Perhaps the oddest name for a full moon, this name signifies the time when earthworms come out of the soil.  I however, have no use for things like dirt and worms, so let's move on.

April: Pink Moon

And no, contrary to what a certain little Miss Denise may tell you, the moon does not actually turn pink.  It is instead named for the flowers that bloom under this moon.  I don't know why this particular flower was chosen, but they are very pretty.

May: Flower Moon

Yet again a moon that refers to flowers, however this one is more generalized.  It's quite lovely to look at, the full moon above the nighttime garden...and somehow feels...a little sad.  (He's thinking about something wistfully, but seems to snap out of it)

June: Strawberry Moon

Perhaps the sweetest, most delicious-sounding full moon of the year.  It's also known as the Honey Moon.  What could possibly be sweeter than a ripe red strawberry?  Well, I could think of one thing, hehe~  One can only hope that the June moon makes them even sweeter...

July: Buck Moon

Contrasting with the sweet and feminine-sounding full moons before, this one's name, and its other name Thunder Moon, seem to have a masculine connotation.  Also the moon of my "birth" month...but do you truly think I'm so violent as that?

August: Sturgeon Moon

Supposedly named after the fish that is so abundant during these times, but honestly, they couldn't be more creative than that?  The Chinese have another name for this moon, the Hungry Ghost Moon...how rude.  Spirits do have to eat, you know...

September: Harvest Moon

Of course, you all know what this moon was named for, it's very self-explanatory.  Also the fullest and brightest moon of the year.  Do you suppose that this will make the "harvest" better for me as well?

October: Hunter's Moon

This moon is named for the way hunters would use the full moon's light to track down their prey and stock up for the winter.  Because of this, there used to be a tradition of feasting during the Hunter's Moon, but this tradition was lost long ago.  At least, for most...

November: Beaver Moon

Another unoriginal name.  Also known as the Mourning Moon, where ancient people would honor their departed...*he seems to become wistful again, before snapping out of it*

December: Cold Moon

Named so because it signals the beginning of the cold season.  Also known as the Full Long Nights Moon.  Snow may be uncomfortable to me, but longer nights do sound lovely~

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