About Pichu's Dreams...

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Trickster: Now, now, Pichu dear...I was only curious.

While yours truly was taking a peek inside Pichu's dreams, I noticed some common themes they shared.  Pichu appears to have very vivid dreams about certain things.  So, I decided I would share them with you.  

-Modules: Pichu often has dreams where she visits Alterna or interacts with modules in certain ways.  I am still not sure if her dreams are connected to Alterna or its residents, but I can say for certain that I have been in them.

-Destruction/End of the World: I find dreams like these quite delicious, so it's a shame that Pichu doesn't let me have them.  She sadly has these kinds of dreams very often, poor thing.

-A Certain Meiko: While not an official Module, this Meiko, dubbed Pichu's "worst fear" has been appearing in her dreams lately.  I myself am not certain that this Meiko exists, but if she did, I have a feeling I wouldn't be the one eating.

-Pokemon: As her nickname suggests, Pichu is more than a bit obsessed with these unusual creatures, specifically small electric mice.  I'm...not as obsessed as she is, but I do have a few favorites.  I'll let you guess which ones~

-Myself: I may be somewhat to blame for this, since appearing in her dreams means I'm actually there.  However, Pichu strangely doesn't mind and sometimes calls for me specifically.  Could Miss Pichu be lying about how she feels about me?  I really do wonder...

Pichu: OKAY, ENOUGH BLABBING MY SECRETS!  (And yes, he did show up in my dreams again)

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