Time Wont Let Me Go

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Time Wont Let Me Go - Chapter 3

When I woke up in the morning I woke up alone, and late. No change there, this wasn't going to be good I was already half an hour late and I wasn't even ready yet. There would be trouble to pay, especially when my mum found out. I climbed out of bed and went to my draws to look for some clothes. I decided on a pair of red skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a black waistcoat and red matching underwear. I grabbed my clothes and took them in the bathroom, I had a quick shower then I got changed and brushed my teeth and hair then applied a bit of make-up. By the time I was ready I was an hour late, oh well there's nothing I could do about it. I crept out trying to be as quiet as I could not wanting to let my mom know that I was late. I practically ran to school, not wanting to be later then I already was. When I got to school I headed straight to my first lesson which was media, my personal favourite. I knocked on the door. 

"Come in Natalie" he was getting good at this, I was impressed that he automatically knew that it was me. I would've replied but the thing is I am selectively mute, I never ever spoke at school their was only two people I actually spoke to, which was my mom and obviously...him.

I walked in with my head down staring at the floor, my hair was covering my face like always, especially today as I had a bruise and a graze on my cheek from where mum threw me at the wall. When I got to my seat at the back of the room I noticed there was someone who was sitting next to my seat. This was unusual people didn't like to mix with me they thought I was a freak. I sat down in my seat and put my earphones in listening to my ipod my favorite song was on by blood on the dance floor it was called wet dream war machine. I was smiling to myself listening to the lyrics when a tap on the shoulder interrupted me. I turned and peered up slowly but curiously. There was a guy I didn't recognise, it was the dude that was sitting next to me from now on. I was shocked that he even approached me no one ever did this, it was a big no no, I was even more shocked when I notied how gorgeous he looked what was he doing speaking to someone like me?

"Hey sexy" he's voice was husky, yet it sounded gentle. If only I had the guts to answer him, I parted my lips trying to mutter a hi but failed to produce any sound.

"You alright? I didn't mean to offend you, sorry I just saw you smile and you looked really pretty." He eyes held some concern. I closed my mouth and looked away there was no point trying to talk when I knew I couldn't. That's when he slipped a note to me, It said "My names Logan, you know I don't bite" I wanted to make an effort and become his friend but that wouldn't be fair he would be judged by everyone at the school and it would be my fault. You see I don't have any mates and if you're seen mixing with me you're instantly downgraded, and become a freak too. He seemed to nice for that to happen to him, he deserved a chance at this school shame he wouldn't get that with me. I picked up the note and scrunched it up hoping I hurt his feelings enough to keep him away. I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'nice to meet you too' I felt guilty but knew it was for the best. I looked at him through my hair hoping he wouldn't notice me staring. He looked like one of those guys I shouldn't get involved in anyway, although he seemed sweet he gave off a bad vibe.

"You really shouldn't be so paranoid sweet cheeks you might end up like... well... like you are now" he grinned at me. Erghhh what was he doing here?! I glared at him and replied so quietly it was hard to even work out what I said, knew he could hear though.

" I'm not paranoid and I'm definitely not anyone's sweet cheeks you douch, I'm mad with you anyway so shush." I crossed my arms over my chest. He came and sat on my desk staring at me while smiling.

"Well at least you've cheered up, it was my cuddling wasn't it?" His smile got wider and I just burst out laughing, receiving glares and weird looks off pupils and my teacher. I immediately tensed up and went bright red.

"I knew it! It was wasn't it?! Does ikkle likkle Natty want a hug from her favourite, handsome, kind, muscle packed, modest companion?" He winked at me. I actually fell off my chair laughing my head off.

"You forgot arrogant, big headed and for companion did you mean dog?" I said this a bit too loud forgetting I was at school, worse in a class. My teacher walked over to me.

"Are you alright Natalie? I think you should go to the nurse, Logan can you assist Miss. Jones to the nurse please, thank you." Logan got up and held a hand out for me to grab, me being a stubborn cow decided to ignore his help and get up by myself. The walk became awkward as soon as we left the classroom.

"So what was all that about in there?" Logan asked.

"Yeah blood, what waz all dis shizzle about in der?" He was impersonating a gangster I think that was his way of taking the mick out of Logan, I mean Logan did look like a bad ass whith his leather jacket on and his black fitted top on which you could see defined his muscles perfectly. Okay okay, Natalie stop drooling especially when he's still here. I tied to hide my smirk as 'he' carried on impersonating a gangster, he has the limp and everything.

"Who do you keep smiling at?" You could tell Logan was starting to get annoyed.

"Ooooo! He iz a killa! Brap brap me man is in da hood!" He got all hyped up and tried to jump on Logan's back not that Logan noticed. I burst out laughing once again when he missed Logan's back and ended up in the trash can outside the nurses office. Logan looked at me as if I was a freak, I suppose that was understandable.

"What is up with you? Why do you keep ignoring me?!" I really wanted to answer I felt so bad. Why did I have to be a bloody freak?

Sorry it took me so long to upload, I've been ill D: still am tbf D: opinions on the chapter then? 

What do you think of Logan?

What do you think of 'him'? ;D


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