chapter 7

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"Over my dead body."

Izzy really didn't know how to handle all this information. It was just... too much to understand... too many feelings at the same time, and all of them focused on one person, a single person he thought he'd truly known for so long. But, he had no idea, he didn't know his own best friend's true feelings. But that night, jeff finally became aware of these feelings.
After that, everything started to fall apart in an ungoverned way, starting first with Duff's departure for Seattle. It seemed to be some divine punishment, the hammer of the gods had weighed down on two poor souls, who were now utterly desolate by the distance. Missing his lover around him, missing the long late nights they used to just talk about stupid things, the unexpected hugs from Duff, from the heat of their bodies together, from his hot mouth and from his, sometimes not so sweet, words. There wasn't much to do about it, so Jeff was just lying on his bed, the sheets were rumpled, he had a cigarette between his fingers, snorting slowly, his head was in the clouds. His heart felt like it was about to burst. The roses that took up a large space on his chest had withered away, not for the end of their feelings, but for the absence of the one who gave them all those sensations. He put out that cigarette on the headboard of his bed, a light breeze had come in through the half-open window, the ashes danced through that room. A tear that harbored an ocean of feelings ran down the face of that young man, too young to suffer like this, for love, for loving someone so much that it becomes unbearable the mere absence of that person.

Nothing, there was simply nothing to be done... the only thing possible now is to wait for those withered roses to disappear completely. It's hard, we all know, but maybe a new gardener will give them the proper care, or...maybe...they never disappear completely and stay there, rotting with time, because they can't recover with new care. , can't get used to the new gardener that's about to appear

Sleep...I hadn't known the meaning of that word for many days. The long nights had drained all his physical and mental strength. He was already thinner and... damn it was already dawn. Unfortunately it was Monday. Another day of torture, another six damn hours of his day confined with immature teenagers. Another day and more fragmented memories, more flashes of days spent with his loved one. And above all, more environments familiar, environments that reminded him of Duff, of the moments spent next to that blonde. In the beginning, those streets brought him old and new memories. Happy, sad memories. Just memories with Duff. The first exchange of glances; the first conversations; the discovery of having a lot in common to share with each other. It all came crashing down, just like the rain that now falls outside from that classroom. Izzy had no words to express what he felt at that moment. Nothing else mattered, he couldn't concentrate or think properly. His gaze now, directed to the ground, was empty, empty like his dead soul.

At the end of another day, I walked alone through the city streets. Teenage screams echoed through her ears, after all, the end of the day was tumultuous, leaving school was always like this. Bigger strides by the second, his pace increased. He put his hands in his pockets, took a long breath and held back a tear. The loneliness was getting worse and worse. He felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned around abruptly notice who caused it. A familiar face looked at him, he didn't smile openly, however, he had a calm countenance, deeply calm for that being with long, fiery hair. Just looked at him with a certain strangeness

"look what the tide gave us back! if it's not the missing nerd." jeff just replied with a 'hi' exposing a certain coldness "well.. um.. I kinda need your help"

This asshole just comes to me for help, typical william Bailey.

"It depends.." izzy started walking again, this time more slowly "if it's within my reach, I can even think..." axl, now followed him

the redhead now sketched a hopeful half smile

"I wanted help looking for a book in the library" isbell stopped his steps suddenly, surprised "I remember the author, I just don't remember the name of the book. Since you like these things, I think you can help me"

i did not even know he was capable of read.

"maybe I can help you..." maybe it's a good thing to get my head around, jeff thought. "Meet me at the library in two hours. Don't be late, Bailey."

Having said those words, he just went back to walking with long and fast strides. A light breeze from a terminal winter hit her face. Some of those young people, in groups, looked happy, laughing, screaming, and some even running. Izzy envied that, envied other people's happiness. He just mentally asked himself, every day after that incident, "how can these people be so happy? are this real or... are they just pretending?". A house, the house he had to walk past the lane every day, Mckagan's old house. A being, a person, a terrible known soul. Duff's mother, Alice. Stradlin quickened his steps even more, lowering his head as far as he could, not wanting to be noticed by that disgusting lady. He mentally thanked whatever divine entity came to his mind, because that woman had not been aware of his presence. A few more blocks and he would be home, if it could even be called home. his home was now just a tangle of pain and hate and falsehood. it was hard to get used to that new environment, but, anyway, it was necessary to put up with at least for a while.

"I miss playing for you our favorite song."

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