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there only one problem his mother she's so annoying

sasuke: ohh i forgot to tell you all that mom will arrived here from canada sakura, ino,

hina: ok sir we will clean the house

sakura: (think) ohh problem again hayyss ino,

hina: come on sakura lets clean the house or you want madam well hmmm

sakura: ok ok lets begin and we clean the house

sasuke: ohh someone knock the door sakura can you open the door please

sakura: ok sir just sec and i open the door

sasuke's mom: omg your soo slow

sakura: sorry madam

sasuke's mom: wheres my baby

sasuke sasuke: im here mom can please stop calling me baby sasuke's

mom: baby sasuke let call you that because your my only baby

sasuke: come on mom stop it

sasuke's mom: ok btw i have gift for you

sasuke: ohh really mom what is it what ist sasuke's mom here you go heyy you open it for my baby sasuke

hinata: me sasuke's

mom: no the vase omg

sasuke: mom stop let me open it

sasuke's mom: butt

sasuke: please mom 

sasuke's mom: ok

sakura: (think) ohh my ahhh sasuke open the box

sasuke: mom what is this a an iron man doll wtf

sasuke's mom: why is that you favorite toy right that toy from canada you know

sasuke: but am not a child anymore

saku, hina, ino: try not to laugh wtf sasuke go to his room

sasuke's mom: wait my baby heyy you all this is all you fault

sakura: wtf why me madam

sasuke's mom: shut up you id ** t

sakura: ohh here we go again sasuke's mom go back to your work all of you saku, hina,

ino: ok madam and we go back to our work

ino: ohh my she's so ahhh

sakura: its ok ino

hinata: shut up you too or might she hear us saku,


Ops to be contiñion guy🤗

Ops to be contiñion guy🤗

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