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im sakura haruno 22 years old and one of the maid in uchiha family btw uchiha family is the one of the wealthiest family

sakura:hayss its already morning so i need to be ready
so I take a bath and wear a maid uniform and go to the kitchen and cook a food for breakfast

sakura:ino can you go to sir sasuke's room and make him awake

ino:sorry sakura i need to help hinata to prepared the breakfast

sakura:ok i will make him awake
and i go up stairs and go to sir sasuke' room and i knock to his door

sakura:no ones answering so i enter


sakura:😳omg im so sorry sir
i saw him naked and he cover his body a towel

sasuke:its ok sakura why are inside my room

sakura:uhm w-well i e-enter to y-your r-room b-because i w-will m-make you a-awake s-sir

sasuke:just a sec i be down stairs

sakura:o-ok s-sir and i down stairs i fell so embarrassing

ino:what happened sakura why are your blushing so much

sakura:huhh b-because uhmm i s-see sir s-sasuke n-naked

ino,hina:what hahaha

sakura:you two why are you laughing heyy

hinata:really sakura

ino:is he hot

sakura:i-ino s-stop it

sasuke:wow you all cook this wow its smells good

saku,hina,ino:yes sir we all cook that
btw there's a one problem his mother shes really annoying

to be con❤sorry im not good in english but i hope you guys like it

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