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mikoto:so what do you want to talk about

sakura:I'm pregnant

mikoto:and what do you I care

Sakura: because this is your grand daughter

mikoto:whaat are sure


mikoto: who's the father sasuke or Itachi

sakura:sasuke because he the only man who touch me

mikoto:if that baby come out sasuke and your baby will have a DNA test and I will pay you and I will get that baby and as for you go where ever you want and don't come back

Sakura:you can test sasuke and this baby but I don't need your money and I don't want to leave with you my baby

mikoto:what you will give me the baby if you want or not

sakura:arrhh and I run with ino and hinata

mikoto:Sakura comeback guard follow them

guard:madam they already escape

mikoto: you're pathetic

*Sakura house*

ino: good thing we escape

Sakura:sorry guys I put your life in danger

ino,Hina:it's ok Sakura we're your friends

Sakura: thank you guys

hinata:madam know where you live sakura

ino:yeah Sakura you can stay at my house

Sakura:are you sure ino

ino:yes Sakura

hinata:guys I need to go naruto text me

Sakura:ok I think you have date byee

ino:yeah byee

hinata:byee guys

and hinata left

*sasuke pov*

mikoto: what if Sakura tell the truth

*phone rings*

mikoto:huh [hello]

Itachi:[hello mom]

mikoto:[ohh itachi auhm I want to ask you something]

itachi:[what is it mom]

mikoto:[auhmm you and Sakura s-sex]

itachi:[what kind of question is that btw no we're not why]

mikoto:[huh nothing ohh btw why did you call me]

Itachi:[I just want to say that I have a girlfriend]

mikoto:[woah what kind of woman is she]

Itachi:[she is a doctor mom if I will come back home I will tell you what is her name]

mikoto: [woah really I'm for you son btw when you comeback]

Itachi:[mom it's a surprise]

mikoto:[I'm so excited]

Itachi:[mom I need to go byee]

mikoto:[byee Itachi]

*hung up*

mikoto:what if *sigh* I'm not sure

sasuke:sure about what mom

mikoto: sasuke huh sure about when your brother come back

sasuke:really brother will comeback

mikoto:yes but I'm not sure when

sasuke:I'm so excited

*sakura pov*

ino: tomorrow you will live with me ok

Sakura:ok thanks for everything

ino:your welcome Sakura ohh pack your things we will arrive tomorrow morning

Sakura: ok

to be con😊

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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