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mikoto: sasuke stop karin is right what do you care about that girl


walk out

itachi: mom can i talk to you in private

mikoto: ok wait a sec and they talk in itachi room

itachi: mom i like sakura i want to leave with her please mom

mikoto: what you like that girl are out of mind she's just a maid and you are a successful billionaire

itachi: i like mom please if you really love you will support what ever i want

mikoto: that what you really want hmmm ok but where are you two going

itachi: uhmm sakura and i we will go to alaska

mikoto: uhmm are you really sure about that did you ask her about it

itachi: not yet mom

mikoto: if she will don't agree

itachi: she will come with what ever she want or not

mikoto: what, about sasuke i know that she like sakura

itachi: ohh i don't care if  he want to fight i can easily defeat  him

mikoto:but don't hurt him

itachi: sure and they go down stair

itachi: can we talk

sakura: about what sir

itachi: in private

sasuke: why really need to be private

itachi: come on sakura

sasuke: don't worry itachi i heard everything what mom and you talking about

itachi: so you want to get in my way

sakura: wait sir i need to cook excuse me

sasuke grab my hand and kiss me

itachi: wtf how dare you

and he pouch sasuke and they fighting over me

karin: this all, because of you

she grab my hair

mikoto: ALL OF YOU STOP (shouting) because of that girl you sasuke and itachi fighting

karin: this is all because of you
and she will slap me when sasuke grab her hand

sasuke: don't ever lay your filthy hand in sakura face get it


mikoto:two of you come with me now


and they talk

mikoto: sakura come her

sasuke hold my hands

sasuke: mom me and sakura,want to say something

sakura: yes madam

itachi: wtf is that just tell and sasuke stop holding her hands

to be con❤

to be con❤

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