Chapter 10: The Truth

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Annabeth POV

It was the third time that I called my dad today. It was normal for him to not pick up my calls. My dad was incredibly busy with his job as a traveling professor and archeologist. 

However, I had to tell him something. 

I don't even know why I was trying. I invited him every year for the past three years, but he never showed up. He'd always say that he was busy. 

"Annie, is everything all right?" Thalia asked as she nudged me. 

I quickly put my phone away and returned my attention to my friends. We were all sitting outside in the grass for lunch. The sun was out, and it was a good, autumn day. 

"Yeah, everything's normal. My dad's not answering my calls," I said quietly. 

"You're inviting him for the fall showcase."

I nodded. Thalia and I both sighed at the same time before turning back to Leo, who was rambling about the details of his new job. He starts officially working with Olympus Records as soon as Percy was over with his break.

Technically, he had 11 months of vacation left, so there was a lot of time. 

However, it was nice to see Leo so excited. It was also great of Percy to convince his label that Leo was qualified for his team. 

"Sorry, Leo, but I have to interrupt. Otherwise, you're gonna be rambling for the rest of lunch," Piper interrupted. 

"You mean like how he always does," Percy said sarcastically. 

I smiled as Leo shoved Percy playfully. Honestly, it was really enjoyable for members of our gang to make fun of each other. We were all in good spirits. Everyone laughed as Leo and Percy continued to fool around. 

"Anyway, Pipes, what did you want to say?" Jason asked after separating Leo and Percy, who were both laughing like idiots. 

"What's everyone planning to do for the showcase?" Piper asked excitedly. 

"Pipes, you already know about everyone's talents. Some of us will sing while others will dance. Katie loves to showcase art and beauty. Then, we have students like Jason, Frank, and Thalia who won't perform because they're on the business end of things," Hazel said. 

 Hazel was absolutely correct. She and I were singers. Leo helped compose our music. The Stolls danced while Katie performed fast art. 

"How about you Percy? Will you be singing?" Piper asked.  

Percy shifted uncomfortably as all eyes fell on him. It was astonishing how he still got nervous about the attention sometimes despite being a celebrity. 

"I don't know yet," Percy said with a sigh. 

"Everyone would lose their shit if you were to perform, bro," Jason said. "You would really elevate the show." 

I nodded in agreement as my gaze fell on Percy again. 

"That's why I don't want to perform, guys. The showcase is about the students here. They have the opportunity to attract managers and records. It's about finding someone new. It's not about watching an already-established artist perform," Percy replied quietly. 

The conversation shifted to other topics after that. 

"Seaweed Brain, since when did you become so deep," I said with a smile. Percy looked up at me in surprise. 

"Wise Girl, I've always been deep. I'm learning against performing at the showcase. It just wouldn't be fair," Percy said. 

We were having our conversation near the edge of our group. He shifted in position to sit next to me. 

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