Chapter 27: The Decision

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Percy POV

"Hold on, let me get this straight, you went out alone in the middle of the night," Chiron exclaimed in shock. 

I sighed in response. Chiron was pacing around my bed in the emergency room. Despite living an hour away, Chiron drove here in the middle of the night. That's how you know that someone truly cares. 

Paul was talking to a few nurses about possibly getting some more painkillers for me. My mother was sitting next to me on the bed. She gently rubbed my noninjured hand.

My right hand, however, had several fractures and broken skin. Dr. Solace had set the bones, stitched up my hand, and bandaged it. I was now waiting for a cast. 

"Yeah, honey, why would you do that?" my mom asked. 

I looked over at Annabeth. She looked down in guilt as her fingers fidgeted against her silver bracelet. I could see the emotional turmoil in her eyes. 

"Mom," I whispered. "Stop."

I motioned my gaze towards Annabeth, who was sitting on a neighboring bed. My mom and Chiron both understood immediately and dropped the questions. 

I didn't want Annabeth to feel guilt. I chose to sneak out and be with her because I love her. There was nothing shameful about that. 

"Sir, the criminal has been detained. He is getting treated for his gunshot in a different part of the hospital as we speak," Terminus informed us. 

I nodded, but I didn't care whether he was getting treated or not. I hated that man. My mom wiped a tear away before taking my hand again. 

"The police got there just in time," Chiron stated. 

"I can't imagine what would've happened if they were even a few seconds late," Annabeth said in a monotone. I gazed at her. She was shaken up by tonight. We both were. 

"I genuinely thought that Gabe shot the gun, and I was so scared. I thought I lost you, Seaweed Brain. Fortunately, it was the police that fired at Gabe," Annabeth expressed. 

I remembered the night vividly. My eyes shut closed as soon as Gabe pulled out the gun. My only instinct was to protect Annabeth with my own life. When I heard the gunshot, time slowed. I thought that I was dead, but I wasn't. Nothing hit me. After I opened my eyes again, I noticed that Gabe was screaming and writhing on the ground. 

I was okay, and Wise Girl was okay. 

"Annabeth, honey, it's 3 am. Do your parents know that you're here?" my mom asked, breaking the silence. 

"I texted my stepmother, Sally, but I think that she's asleep."

"I am more than willing to give Ms. Chase a ride home," Terminus stated. 

He looked like he wanted a distraction. Technically, my safety was his responsibility, but this wasn't Terminus's fault either. No one was to blame here but Smelly Gabe. 

My eyes widened as I frantically looked at Annabeth. I didn't want her to leave. I wanted her to stay right next to me. 

"Honey, she has to go home. It's late," my mom said quietly. 

"Seaweed Brain, it's okay. I'm fine, and I know that you're safe now. Besides, we have school tomorrow as well," Annabeth said logically. 

I looked at Chiron and my mom, and they understood the message. They stepped away from our earshot as Annabeth sat next to me on the hospital bed. The emergency room was mostly empty and quiet, and we were in our own little corner. 

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