Chapter 13: The Aftermath

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Percy POV

I felt like I was floating on a cloud. It was an amazing feeling to finally get together with Annabeth. No words could describe the love and warmth.

I watched as Annabeth fixed herself in front of the dresser mirror.

"Gods, Wise Girl, you're so stunning," I whispered.

Clearly, she heard me considering that she started to smile. Her hands worked to readjust her dress that hugged her body in all of the right ways. Then, she grabbed her heels.

I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist, which interrupted her actions.

My almost naked body pressed into her backside as I kissed her neck. Annabeth relaxed as her head rested against my shoulder. I watched her through the mirror before pressing my lips against her left cheek. I was so happy right now; I couldn't even function.

Annabeth pulled away first and wore her shoes.

Then, she turned around and passionately kissed me. I melted into the kiss. My brain managed to escape from my head.

Wise Girl smirked as she ordered me to get dressed.

"Wait, Annabeth," I interrupted. She paused at the door. Her hand was on the doorknob as she turned to face me.

"I want to make this work. It's gonna be complicated, but I don't care. I love you," I expressed genuinely.

Annabeth's smile was incredible as she nodded. I would never forget the happiness that was on her face just then. She left the room first, probably to go and find Thalia.

I started humming a happy tune as I got dressed.

I left the room and decided to find Jason. He was my best friend, and I needed to tell someone the amazing news that Annabeth and I got together. Besides, Jason knew about my feelings for Annabeth in the past and present. In fact, he always urged me to make a move, but I hesitated. Until today that is.

Technically, Annabeth made the first move, which made me admire her more. She was intelligent and fierce, and I loved those qualities about her.

I fixed my blazer and pants once again as I walked downstairs. I didn't need random people getting suspicious about me and my relationship.

Jason was in the kitchen, grabbing a drink. The music that was playing from the speakers was moderately loud.

"Bro," I exclaimed happily. He turned around in surprise. "Woah, you seem way too happy," he chuckled.

"That's because I am," I cheered.

I took the drink from him since I was really thirsty. The fruit punch was definitely spiked with some vodka, but I didn't mind or care. I've had alcohol before because it was legal in other countries for eighteen-year-olds to drink. Besides, no bartender restricted a pop star that they fancied.

"Bro, you left with Annabeth. Wait, what happened with you two?" Jason asked. A sly smile was already creeping onto his face, but he was waiting for me to confirm.

"I love her, man. It was incredible. I don't care that we're friends and worlds apart, she gets me in a way that no one else does. I just wanna be with her," I expressed.

Jason's face brightened into a smile.

However, another gruff voice spoke up before Jason could. "Percy, I need to speak with you now."

My smile faded slightly as I turned around. Zeus, Artemis, Ares, and Chiron were all waiting for me to follow them. However, I was still too happy to be discouraged by their presence.

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