Chapter 28: Chief Schwarlock y'know?

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Ashe strode into the hall as if he owned the place, which he probably did with his houses, and sat in a seat in between Snape and Lucius to the annoyance and fear of both.

At the table, there was a mix of middle-rank Death Eaters as well as all of the Inner Circle members.

: Harry, I hungry Cassius hissed as she slid out from Ashe's wrist causing the people in the room to retract their hands from the table and tense.

Harry conjured a rabbit for her and she quickly devoured it whole. The Death Eaters certainly thought it was quite a sight.

Cassius slithered on the table sniffing each and every person, causing them to tense.

: What are you doing? Harry asked, curiously causing the people to shudder at the sound of the Noble Language of the Snakes.

She stopped in front of a horrid-looking man who seemed to be shaking with fear, more so than the others.

: I smell treachery the snake replied in a disgusted tone.

Tom and Harry raised an eyebrow each and the man, dressed in a black plain cloak shot his eyes over to the Dark Lord whose magic was flaring.

"M-m-my L-lord," he stuttered, much like Pettigrew.

: Kill him Tom hissed to Cassius. The snake in question looked over to Harry for approval and Harry nodded.

Within seconds, he was dead on the floor.

"Who was he?" Ashe asked as he took out a parchment, quill and ink from his pocket as if nothing happened.

"Irwin Macintosh, not really useful but loyal... or so I thought," he muttered the last part.

"Wait... Macintosh?" he paused working.

"Yes," he nodded, intrigued, "Did you know him?"

"Harry shook his head, resuming to write his Ministry paperwork that he never had time to do,

"Ohhhhh... his son," he realized, "Yeah, his son is a nosy little seventh-year,"

They continued the meeting while Ashe continued working on some paperwork, occasionally passing it to Lucius to sign. Ashe didn't think he had seen a man had ever been so frightened.

Once the rest of the Death Eaters were dismissed and only the Inner Circle were left, they brought out drinks and they joshed around, making fun of Lucius at every opportunity they got. Not to mention Snape. He couldn't count the number of hexes he had to deflect.

: My Lord Nagini came out from the door from behind Tom.

: Hello, Nagini Lucius and Fenrir shivered at the sound of the Snake Language.

: I smell a familiar snake she hissed back, sniffing the air

: Nagini? Cassius hissed, uncoiling from Harry's arm.

: Cassius? They slithered towards each other until they were face to face and began to move around each other.

: Hey? Will someone tell me what is going on here? Harry asked, feeling quite left out.

: Nagini and I met in the Forbidden Forest she hissed happily.

: How cute... Tom hissed smiling at the two. He cleared his throat and straightened out, "I mean um, that is very well," he said in English, quite embarrassed.

: No one but I could understand you, Tom he chuckled, confusing the Death Eaters around him "And these two are too busy catching up," he pointed to the two snakes.

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