Chapter 31: HUZZAH!

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"Good evening, Voldemort," he nodded in a serious mood. He looked around the table for Yaxley and when he found him he smirked.

"I told you not to invite him," he sneered.

"I thought that you were jesting," he furrowed his brow.

In an instant, Yaxley was frozen in place.

Voldemort stood, "What is the meaning of this?" he scolded.

"I was recently informed by Minister Fudge that they had a spy in your Inner Circle,"

Voldemort smirked then snorted then chuckled then just burst out laughing and released Yaxley from his spell.

"You- you really think- that- the fool- could gain a- SPY- in- my- my Inner Circle," he breathed in between laughs. It was like he was having a fit.

Then Harry was confused, "Wait- What?" A few moments of silence passed until a moment of realization hit. He wasn't normally this slow, "OHHHHHHHHH."

Voldemort recovered from his fit of laughter, "'Oh', Indeed, 'Oh' indeed," he chuckled.

"Apologies, Yaxley," he looked at the fuming man, "but I still don't like you,"

Yaxley raised an eyebrow then nodded chuckling lightly, "I have no idea why but... fine,"

"Is that all?" Voldemort raised an eyebrow, being quite annoyed.

If another Death Eater had ever questioned the Lord's power or authority then they would have probably been in a lot of pain by now. Since that person was Harry, he couldn't, shouldn't and didn't want to.

Harry nodded and took a seat.

"Thank you, I am glad to know that you are loyal," he dismissed, carrying on with the meeting.

On the topic of the next initiation, Voldemort asked Harry the question that he had been waiting to ask for a long time.

"Speaking of the Dark Mark, Do you wish to be marked, Harry?" he raised an eyebrow. Truth be told, he didn't mind if Harry was marked or not. As long as he was loyal, it would be great.

Harry did not want to be marked at all. He thought that since Voldemort was his equal that he wouldn't be marked. That raised the question. Ally of follower? Sure, Harry supported his cause and the ways that he acquired power but... he couldn't see himself as a follower. He thought of himself as an ally or an equal. He just hoped that Tom saw it that way.

"No," he simply said, in hopes of not divulging on the topic further.

Ignoring the people around him's stares, he nodded and continue the meeting.

It was in the middle of the meeting when he felt a presence within the wards in his office. A sickening amount of Light Magic was there. Dumbledore.

"Excuse me," he said simply, interrupting Voldemort mid-sentence.

He shadow-stepped to the shadows of his office and saw Dumbledore ruffling through his desk drawer.

Harry released his magic all around the room and Dumbledore froze up.

"Who goes there?" he asked, slightly frightened; if slightly frightened meant he was going to pee his pants. It would not look good if Dumbledore was seen going through the Chief Warlock's personal property, in his own home, no less. Hogwarts technically did belong to him. He was surprised that Harry hadn't used that against him yet.

"What did I say about it being rude to spy on people, Thief," his voice echoed through the walls of the office, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the once-great wizard but now nothing more than a Thief and a Liar,"

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