Lost And Stolen

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Joohyun and Seulgi enjoyed their weekends together. They went to amusement park; having the best day ever. If Joohyun can, she wants this moment to never end. All she wants is to be next to Seulgi, holding her hands and making beautiful memories together.

"Can we meet on the NamSan tower during the first snow, Joohyun unnie?" Seulgi asked all of a sudden. She pointed on the NamSan tower that can be seen while they are riding inside a ferris wheel.

Joohyun looked on what Seulgi is pointing then smiled. "Sure but the first snow will happen next month. Don't you want to go there with me sooner?"

Seulgi shook her head then chuckled when Joohyun pouted. "I want to make our first snow together more romantic. Besides, I really want to be next to you during the first snow because... I want us to be together for a really long time, Joohyun unnie. Long time as in forever."

Joohyun smiled. "Me too, Seulgi. I will always be by your side, forever."

Seulgi smiled then hold both of Joohyun's hands. "Don't ever let me go, Joohyun unnie. Don't you ever leave me, please? Promise me."

"I promise." Joohyun said. She frowned because Seulgi looks sad. "What's wrong, Seulgi?"

"Will you always wait for me, Joohyun unnie?"

Joohyun felt scared. She cupped Seulgi's face then looked straight in her eyes. "I will always love you, Seulgi. I don't understand why I would have to wait for you but... I will always wait for you if I have to, Seulgi."

"Are you sure?" Seulgi asked and Joohyun nodded at her. "I'm so scared, Joohyun unnie. I don't know if I can but I have to leave you soon."

Joohyun widen her eyes in surprise. She's so scared, a life without Seulgi seems so scary for her now. "W-What? B-But why?"

Seulgi smiled then caressed Joohyun's arm. "I have to visit my sick mom who's in Canada next week, Joohyun unnie. I have to be there for her but I promise, I'll be back. I promise."

Joohyun took a deep sigh of relief. "You scared me. Don't worry I will always wait for you."

"Let's meet at the NamSan tower, 7 pm during the first snow. I will wait you there no matter how long, Joohyun unnie." Seulgi said with her lovely eye smile.

Joohyun smiled. "I will wait you there too no matter how long, Kang Seulgi."

End of Flashback


Joohyun smiled bitterly when she remembered those broken promise of Kang Seulgi, that jerk promised to meet her at the NamSan tower five years ago but Joohyun waited for her there until midnight but not even a shadow of Kang Seulgi caught Joohyun's eyes that time.

Joohyun felt so stupid, betrayed and broken. What supposed to be a wonderful memory of them became an unforgettable nightmare for Joohyun. For almost five years, she thought something bad happened to Seulgi who disappeared in her life without a trace but it turns out, that jerk had a wonderful life with Park Sooyoung without her knowing.

Joohyun gulped her tequila, the burning feeling of that drink on her throat is still no match on the pain she's feeling in her heart. Joohyun wants to move on, enjoy life like how Seulgi is currently living; like they never had a past. But here she is, trying to drown herself in alcohol inside a bar.

Joohyun blinked her eyes, she wished she's already drunk like the tall sexy woman sitting on the stool not too far away from her but she's still sober because she can tell that the said woman is Park Sooyoung.

Can she call Sooyoung a traitor? But maybe, that woman is innocent because only Joohyun, Seulgi and Yerim know about their past love story.

Joohyun rolled her eyes, left cash on the table and was about to leave but she stopped. She looked back at Sooyoung who's still gulping an almost empty wine bottle while smiling like an idiot. There are suspicious men watching the said drunk woman so Joohyun decided to be a good unnie. That drunk woman is still Yerim's close friend and Joohyun treated her as her dongsaeng too during their High School days.

Joohyun walked closer to Sooyoung. "I think that's enough, kid. Time to go home."

Sooyoung chuckled then pointed a finger at Joohyun. "A little monster."

Joohyun rolled her eyes. "If you are not drunk, I will smack your head right now." She looked around giving those creepy men the scariest glare she can ever do, and it's a success since they all started to look away. She looked back at Sooyoung. "Should I call Yerim?"

Sooyoung chuckled. "Don't you want to call Seulgi unnie instead?"

Joohyun sighed. "Fine. Give me your phone and I'll call your fiancee."

"See? You still want to steal Seulgi unnie away from me, Bae Joohyun." Sooyoung said making Joohyun shocked. She shook her head. "She's mine now so back off, Bae."

Joohyun glared. "What? Do you know something, Park Sooyoung?"

"Something like what? Like your past romance with Seulgi unnie?" Sooyoung smirked. "Can't you be a good unnie for your dongsaeng? Just give Seulgi unnie to me, please?"

Joohyun widen her eyes. "What are you talking about? Stop talking like Seulgi is a toy that you stole from me, Sooyoung."

Sooyoung chuckled. "I didn't stole her from you, Joohyun unnie." She stand up carefully then looked down at Joohyun who's giving her the most intimidating stare ever. "You lost Seulgi unnie five years ago and I'm the found who found her. Finder's Keepers, right?"

Joohyun lost her shit then slapped Sooyoung who fell on the floor, the alcohol and the fall made her asleep in an instant. The security guards came but Joohyun scared them with her glare, telling them that she's Sooyoung unnie and she asked them to carry the drunkard inside her car.

Joohyun is so mad. She's so mad at Park Sooyoung who's sleeping soundly at the back row of her car. She's so mad and she's dying to know the truth.

She wants to know what really happened between Seulgi and Sooyoung since the day the two both disappeared at SM High.


A/N: I know all of you wants to know the truth but a little suspense is interesting, right? Don't forget to share me your thoughts. Thanks for reading. 😉

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