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Seungwan is a nerd. Her life is only about her own family, friends and her studies. She's not really interested in finding someone to love, she believes in Fairy tale like stories where true love will just come in it's perfect time. She thinks it's more romantic unlike dating everyone in town to meet your perfect match.

That's why the moment her eyes landed on the new server on their family owned cafe, the fast beating of her heart and the feeling of frozen time tells Seungwan that Park Sooyoung is the one.But too bad, Sooyoung already belongs to her dear classmate named Seulgi, that kind girl that looks like a baby bear.

Seungwan doesn't have the heart to confess her hidden feelings.

She doesn't want to have a rivalry with her dear friend. But most of all, Seungwan witnessed Seulgi and Sooyoung's love for each others.

She can't break a love that's so beautiful.

Seungwan walked with heavy steps and a burden heart to visit her friends' house. It hurts being always in the middle, being the neutral one in every situation. She can't take sides because Sooyoung is her friend but Joohyun is her friend now too.

But she's wondering if she really have to save Seulgi from Sooyoung. She may be blinded by love but Seungwan believes that Sooyoung is not a bad person.

"How long will you keep on standing there like a sad squirrel?"

Seungwan widen her eyes in surprise then looked behind her. She saw Seulgi standing a few steps away from her with grocery bags on hands. Seungwan realized that she seems like a fool standing in front of her friends condo unit since a while ago.

Seulgi chuckled. "Can you carry some bags? I'll open the door for us."

Seungwan smiled then helped carry some bags from Seulgi who then opened the door and let them in. Seungwan feels like home, she always see Seulgi and Sooyoung like a family since they became friends in Canada.

A family that she can never betray no matter what.

She heard her phone ringing again for a nth time. Call her coward, but Seungwan can't talk to Bae Joohyun right now.

Seulgi noticed that her best friend looks troubled and the ignored sound of a ringing phone made her frown. But Seulgi keep quiet and just prepare snacks for them.

"W-Where's Sooyoung?" Seungwan asked. She noticed that the taller girl is nowhere in sight.

"She went out. She said she has some important matters to do today." Seulgi answered. She noticed Seungwan looked disappointed. "Is there something you want to tell her? Is it about the Cafe? I'm sure she won't mind if you call her on the phone now."

Seungwan smiled. "It's okay. I'm just wondering why that tall girl is not joining us right now."

Seulgi smiled then placed a tray filled with drinks and snacks on the coffee table. She then sat on the sofa next to Seungwan. "Do you want to watch a movie or just talk?"

"Just... Just talk with me, Kang Seulgi."

A moment of silence enveloped them. Seulgi wondered why her 'TMI' buddy is unusually quiet today.

"Hmm. What should we talk about?" Seulgi started to change the mood. She sighed. "There's nothing interesting that happened to me this week though. Everything is just too normal."

"Too normal? I don't think your life is too normal, Seulgi." Seungwan said.

"What do you mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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