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Jack Frost POV:
Present day

I tap the road causing ice to form and making people slip as they walk. Flying across buildings and frosting over the walls, and making papers fly out of windows; laughing as I do. "Ah. Now that was fun. Hey wind! Take me home!" Yell out to the sky and a huge gust of wind rolls through picking up my body. I fly through the air and go across the world in under 4 minuets. "Snow day!" I cheer as I free fall to the town.

I fly around and jump causing snow to fall and ice to freeze. I go to the lake and cover it with more ice laughing as I do. I look over to the kids and see her. The one I so wish would see me. She's never spoken a single world to me, but I know. I know she's the one. Something about her is just amazing. I've watched her through the 300 years I've been alive. Keeping her safe, making sure she had enough fire wood, and most of all trying to get her to believe in me. She's un like anyone I've ever seen. Gosh she's beautiful.

"Alright! Snow day!" The kids cheer. "You're welcome." I say following them. Okay, okay following her, but she was walking with the kids so I am tenacity following them.

"It says here that they found big foot hair samples and DNA in Michigan. That's like super close!" A kid with brown hair cheers looking at his book. "You saw the video too. He's out there." "Aliens, Big Foot, and the Easter Bunny." His friends tease him. "The Easter Bunny is real. Isn't he (Y/n)?" The boy asks her. "He sure is Jamie. I saw him once. He had a carrot in one hand and asked me one question and it was...Ah what's up doc?" She says causing the kids to laugh. "That's Bugs Bunny!" Jamie says laughing. "Close enough." She says and walks into their house.

I've watched her enough to know basically her whole life. She lives with Jamie and his sitter Sophie and works at the coffee shop down the road. Working shifts from 5 to 9, and getting $400 every 2 weeks. Creepy? Nah. I just can't stay away from her. She seems too familiar.

"Easter Bunny is real alright. Real annoying, real grumpy, and really full of him self." I say as the kids walk out of the yard.

(Y/n) POV:
"Easter Bunny. Hop, hop, hop." Sophie says as she hops down the steps. "Come here you." I say picking her up and spinning her around. I see him watching me. Please, man in the moon, make the time come faster. I'm sick of waiting.

"You sure are something special huh?" He asks walking next to me. I hate it when he dose this! When will the time come, Man in Moon? When will I get to be with him again? I follow the kids out but am stopped by his mom. "Give this to Jamie." She hands me his hat. I walk over to him and put it on his head. "Make him know that you see him, but do not talk to him. Simply make eye contact." The Moon says. "Do I have to wear this?" Jamie asks annoyed. "Yes or Jack Frost will nip your nose." "Who's Jack Frost?" I look over at Jack and smile. "He makes all the snow.." I say making Jack stop in his tracks and run over to me.

"You can see me?" I continue walking doing what the Moon asked me to. "Good child. The time is coming up fast. Be ready for what is to come."

Jack Frost POV:
She can see me! She looked right at me! She said my name! She believes in me! "You can see me?" I asks running up next to her. She doesn't say anything; she just keeps walking. "I knew it was too good to be true." I mumble walking next to her.

Suddenly fingertips brush my hand. Warm fingertips. I look up at her to see her looking at me in the corner of her eye. "YES!" I cheer and fly up into the air. "Alright now for some fun!" I make a snowball and throw it at Jamie.

(Y/n) POV:
"Hey! Who threw that?" Jamie asks turning around looking at us. I ball up another snow ball the throw it at him. "Guess it was me." I say laughing. "Oh this means war!" Just like that all of us are having a run snowball fight till someone hits Cupcake with a snow ball. She turns around looking angry. Even through I am older then her by 300 years give of take; she still scares me. Suddenly a snow ball hits her square in the face. Jack! What have you done? She's gonna kill all of us now!

Cupcake starts laughing and starts to chase us with a snowman's head. "A little slippery!" Jack calls out as he makes a path of ice. Jamie falls on his sled and starts to slide on the ice. "Jamie the street!" I yell running after him. I slide on the ice and grab onto the sled. "Are we gonna die?" Jamie asks looking back at me.

I look up at Jack and he just laughs. "No?" I say unsure. We ride all through the town and as a finally we go up an ice ramp and plummet to the ground. "Whoa! Are you guys okay?" "Gosh that looks serious!" The kids run up to us. "It's time. Tonight when you see him again. Tell him when you believed, but remember what I told you. He will not remember anything about his past life. Those memories will come back in time."

Jack Frost POV:
They both fall to the ground laughing and screaming. "Cool a tooth!" Jamie cheers holding up his tooth. "Dude that means cash!" "Tooth fairy!" The kids cheer.

"Oh no. No. Ah wait a minuet come on! What about all the fun we just had! That wasn't the tooth fairy, that was me! Come on! What does a guy have to do to get some attention around here?" I ask walking in front of then but the just walk right through me.

I look back over to (Y/n) and see a guy help her up. "Oh not on my watch buddy." I go over to them and listen in on their conversation. "So what do you think? I know you really like that actor. So how about we go see it? Tonight? 8?" "I have work." She says trying to walk away. "No you don't. You're off today." "Listen, William. It just wouldn't work out." She says trying to move again.

"Look I get it. One bad relationship and your whole dating life is over. Just forget the guy and move on! I'm so much better then him! He's probably a no body." She looks him right in the face. "You know nothing about me or my past so I suggest you leave and never talk to me again." "Now you listen here-" He starts but she punches him in the face knocking him back. "Yeah jerk!" I say throwing snow in his face.

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