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Jack POV:
I fly into Sophie's room and lay her down on her bed...or at least try to. I finally manage to unwrap her arms from around my neck and lay her down. She steers and falls off the bed. "Soph? Is that you?" His mom calls out. I quickly throw a blanket over her with a toy.

I fly out the window and make my way to the Warren. "Jack?" A voice calls. "That voice I know that voice," I say to Baby Tooth. "Jack?" It calls again. I fly in the direction of it. "Jack?" My name is called again but in McKenzie's voice. "Jack?" (y/n) calls again, and I rush to the sound. "Jack?" The other voice calls.

I land on the ground in the forest and run to the sound. Once I get to it I see an old bed. "Jack?" I run up to it and see a hole in the ground under the bed. "Jack!" (y/n) calls out. I hit the wood blocking the hole and break it. "Jack?" The other voice calls, and I jump down the hole.

I walk down the dark tunnel and enter the main room. Baby Tooth starts pulling at my hood. "Baby Tooth. Stop. I have to find out what that is. (y/n)'s down here." I fly up to a cage-like thing and see more Baby teeth. "Hey shhh. I'm gonna get you out of here. Just as soon as I-" "Jack?" "Jack?"

I look down and see all the teeth cases. I fly down to it and crawl around looking for mine. "Looking for something?" Pitch asks from behind. I spin around and shoot ice at him. I fly up and follow the shadow. "Don't be afraid Jack. I'm not gonna hurt you." He says walking away from me. I run up to him my staff in hand. "Afraid? I'm not afraid of you." "Maybe not, but you are afraid of something." "You think so huh?" "Oh, I know so. It's the one thing I always know; people's greatest fears. Yours is that no one will ever believe in you, and worse of all; you're afraid you'll never know why. Why you? Why were you chosen to be like this?" "Someone does believe in me!" "Oh yes! (y/n). What a lovely girl. She fears that you'll never remember your past. Who she was, who you were, and how you left her. Though lucky for both of you I have something."

Pitch pulls out a golden case with a face of a boy with brown eyes and brown hair. "Do you want them, Jack? Your memories? You could finally know why." I reach out for them but pull back. Pitch laughs and disappears. I fly over to Pitches shadow. "Everything you've ever wanted to know inside this little box. Why did you end up like this? Un-seen, unable to reach out to anyone. You want the answers so badly. You want to grab them and fly off with them, but you're afraid of what the Guardians will think. You're afraid of disappointing them. I'll ease your mind about one thing. They'll never accept you. Not fully." "STOP IT! STOP IT!" I yell covering my ears.

"After all you're not one of them." "You don't know what I am!" "Course I do! You're Jack Frost! You make a mess where ever you go. Why you're doing it right now." Pitch says tossing the teeth to me.

"What did you do?" I ask looking up at him. "Not of the point Jack. What did you do?" He says laughing as he backs up into the darkness. I run into the darkness swinging my staff around trying to hit him. I run back but see the door of the Warren. "Happy easter Jack," Pitch says. I turn around a see a trail of broken eggs. "No."

I fly up to the surface worried about the others. "They don't see me," Bunny says and crumbles to the ground. "Jack! Where were you? The nightmares attacked, they smashes every egg, crushes every basket. Nothing made it to the surface. They took (y/n). They took her Jack." North says shaking his head. They took her? No, no, no. NO!

"Jack." Tooth calls flying over. She looks down at my hand and gasps seeing the golden case. "Where did you get that? Where's Baby Tooth?" I try to come up with words but I can't speak. "Oh Jack. What have you done?" She covers her mouth. "That is why you weren't here? You were with Pitch?" North asks. "No. listen, listen. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." I say.

"He has to go." Bunny says coming up behind me. "What?" "WE SHOULD NEVER HAVE TRUSTED YOU!" He yells balling up his fist. "Easter is new beginnings in life. Easter's about hope, and now it's gone. You know she fought for you? She took your place, and now she's gone! All because of you!" I looked down and felt tears in my eyes. I flew up into the sky never to look back again. I ruined everything.

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