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(Y/n) POV:
"Alright come on, come on!" I say to myself trying to pick the lock with my bobby pin. Ugh! It's no use! I sigh and sit on the floor of my cage. I hear yelling and cheers coming from the tunnel, and soon Jack appears. "Jack!" I yell and as soon as he sees me he rushes over. "Hello, Ms. Lovelense. Let's get you out of here." I stare at him in shock as he busts open the lock. "You said my last name! Wait how could you know that unless you...You remembered?" He nods and I jump into his arms hugging him. "I've missed you so much," I mumble into his hoodie. "I missed you too. More than you know."

"Now help me get the fairies out," Jack says kissing my head. I roll my shoulders making my wings appear, and flying over to a cage opening it. "Come on let's go!" I say, but they all just sit there. "Jack they can't fly!" "Come here!" Jack calls from the iron globe. "They're all going out. Jack, what can we do?" I ask looking at the lights. They all go out except for one. "Jamie!" Jack and I exclaim at the same time.

"Come on!" I say opening the door and walking in. "I've got a different way in. I've got this don't worry." Jack says flying up to Jamie's window.

Jack POV:
I look into his window and see him talking to a stuffed bunny. "If it wasn't a dream, and if you are real. Then you have to prove it like right now. I've believed in you for a long time. My whole life in fact. So you kinda owe me now. You don't have to do much. Just a little sigh so I know. Anything. Anything at all...I knew it." Jamie sighs and drops the toy on the ground.

I frost over his window and draw an easter egg on it. Jamie gasps and looks down at the bunny. I frost over the other side and draw a bunny. Then I pick it out of the frost and it hops around the room. As the bunny gets up to the ceiling and bursts into the snow. Jamie looks around at the falling snowflakes in his room. "Snow? Jack Frost." Jamie whispers. "Did he just say?-" "Jack Frost?" "He said it again! He said- you said-" Jamie turns around and stares straight at me whit his mouth wide open. "Jack Frost."He says again.

"That's right, b-but that's me! Jack Frost! That's my name! You said my name." I say to him as he just stares at me. "Wait...can you hear me?" Jamie nods. "C-can you see me?" Jamie nods again. I can't help but smile, and almost cry. "He sees me. H-he sees me!" I laugh as backflip onto his desk. "You just made it snow!" "I know." "In my room!" I know!"

"You're real?" "Yeah, man! Who do you think brings you all the blizzards, and the snow days? Remember when you and (Y/n) went flying on that sled the other day?" "That was you?" "That was me!"

The door opens and (Y/n) walks in with a smile. "(Y/n)! Look! He's real!" Jamie says hugging her. "She's in love with you," Jamie says to me. "Oh, believe me, kid I know," I say smirking and walking over to her pulling her against me. "So what about the easter bunny, and the tooth fairy?" Jamie asks jumping up and down. "Real, real, real! Every one of us is real!" I say handing him his toy back. "I knew it!" He yells. "Jamie, who are you talking to?" His mom asks through the closed door.

He looks at (Y/n) and I panicked, but I just nudge to the door. "Um, Jack Frost?" Jamie calls to his mother. "Okay." She laughs and walks back to her room.

We all laugh but soon silence as the window bursts open with a loud blast of thunder. We all look out to see the sleigh crash down onto the street. "Get your coat!" (Y/n) says running out of the house. I follow her down to the sleigh. "(Y/n), Jack!" Tooth says flying out of the sleigh but falling to her knees. "Are you okay?" I ask helping her up. "What are you doing here?" North asks hobbling over on his sword. (Y/n) and I look at each other. "Same as you." We speak together as Jamie runs out zipping up his jacket.

"The last light," North says looking at him. "Wow! It's you. I mean it is you! I knew it wasn't a dream!" Jamie says turning to me. "Jack. He sees you." North coos. Holding (Y/n) around the waist I elbow Jamie lightly. "Wait where's Bunny?" (Y/n) asks looking around. "Losing Easter took its toll on all of us. Bunny most of all." North says, and a small grey bunny hops out of the sleigh.

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