After Party

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Zacky's p.o.v

"Johnny I told you not to!"

"I didn't mean to, I was getting my bass. I didn't know she was gonna be there and then she said she wasn't gonna watch the show it slipped out. I didn't mean to scare her"

"Well you did. She was against going out with me but i finally persuaded her to. God knows how long it'll take me to get her to come out again" I groaned.

I sat on the seat in our dressing room. Matt was doing vocal warm ups and Jimmy was using whatever object as a drum and drumming against. Johnny was sat with me. I know he didn't mean to but fuck! He still did it. Brian wasn't anywhere to be found but that was usual for him. He's probably off fucking some groupie he's found.

I know the two of them didn't want to talk about what happened but it might help if they told one of us so we could give them an outside opinion. Keeping it to themselves is ruining the two of them and I'm not saying it'll help the two get back to whatever they were before but at least they wouldn't be hurting themselves over it..

I groaned and tipped my head back. Those two were always so stubborn. That's why they got along but because of that none of us have talked to Madds. I know she's not going to be at the party later so i could always pay her a visit. She's obviously gonna be in her bunk. But she doesn't want anyone to bother her.

She's such a pain.

"We're up in 5 guys" Matt grinned. I nodded and pulled the strap of my guitar over my head. "Anyone seen Gates?"

"Here" Brian said as he walked through the door. I rolled my eyes at his smirk and walked straight passed him.

Maddie's p.o.v

I lay in my bunk as the others were getting ready. They were gonna head off to the after party in about 5 minutes, leaving me on the bus alone. I wasn't complaining about that, I was happy I'd get some alone time. I could finally catch up on Sons of Anarchy and I was already 2 seasons behind.

Jack popped his head through my closed curtain, he sent me his charming grin and handed me a bar of Galaxy. I thanked him and took it from him, placing it by my side next to my laptop.

"Mad, we're going. You sure you don't want to come with, even for 5 minutes then just go again" He pleaded, I shook my head making him whine. "If Brian's there, I'll sucker punch him in the throat"

"Y'know he's technically your boss right?" I laughed. He paused for thought then replied.

"Okay maybe not then" He chuckled. "Alright, I'll leave you be to watch.. oh right your biker show. No wonder you had a thing for Brian back then, he had his chopper" He laughed, I chuckled quietly.

"Yeah that's totally why I lo- Uh yeah totally"

"Well I gotta go babe, I'll see you in a bit" He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"See you, now go" I half-heartedly smiled, before returning my attention back to my screen as Jack left. I was now officially on my own. It was nice, also kind of scary.

'You okay sweetie?' Bri smiled softly, looking over me with his droopy eyes before sitting next to me on the sofa. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his nose against my cheek making me smile. 'What is it hun?'

'I uh, it's nothing. Don't worry about it' I shrugged.

'No something is bothering you, c'mon tell me'

'I don't wanna bother you'

'You won't bother me sweetheart' He smiled, squeezing me slightly.

'I don't know it's just I get kinda scared when I'm alone'

'You're not alone. Me and the guys are still here'

'No still. I feel alone. I can't explain it but I get a feeling when I'm alone or just no one is conscious around me'

'Oh hun. Come cuddle with me in my bunk, that could make you feel better. Y'know I always make you feel better' He grinned. He was right, he always made me feel better.

I shook my head of the memory. The night me and Brian really connected.

Stop it Maddie. Don't upset yourself over him. Someone fucked up but you don't need to think of it right now.

It was coming close to 2am when I was woken up by stumbling and giggling. I sat up slightly before slumping back in my bunk. It was obviously gonna be the guys coming back from the party. I looked over at my lights on my wall. I had decorated my wall with my orange fairy lights and I always kept them on over night. I'm kind of afraid of the dark. 

The stumbling got louder as it got closer. I couldn't deny the slight anxiety I had but I took a deep breath and waited for them to pass. But it stopped. It stopped outside my bunk. I held onto my dolphin, Jam, tighter, hiding my face behind his head and wiggled closer to the wall.

My curtain started to move as someone began to, drunkenly, open it. My breath hitched, that was until I saw who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2016 ⏰

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