Coffee With Zacky

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Maddie's p.o.v

I dressed in black jeans, Skillet shirt and black hoodie. I did my eye liner and brushed through my dark purple hair before tying up my scruffy red converse. I made sure to grab my phone and purse then left the bus, ready to meet with Zacky.

He stood near the entrance as he scrolled through his phone. I sighed quietly before approaching him, nudging his side to gain his attention.

"Madds!" He grinned, pulling me into a huge bear hug. I took a deep breath as I hugged him in attempt to keep down any emotion that his hug caused. "Ready to go?" I nodded.

We began to walk out of the bus entrance of the arena, heading down a busy road. We stayed quiet as we crossed the road over into the town.

"So, how have you been Maddie?" He asked, breaking the silence as we walked. I shrugged.

"I'm okay" I replied. You can argue that I'm really not but I'm better than what I was like a year ago. Zacky could obviously sense my drift of multiple meanings of 'okay' as he frowned slightly but nodded. "How about you Zack? And the rest of the guys? I hope they're doing okay" I said. I do hope they are all doing okay but that little part of me that still couldn't break away from Brian, hoping he'd missed me as much as I for him.

"I'm alright, they're okay too. Jimmy's still a crazy fuck, fucking with Johnny any chance he gets. Johnny's still trying to get me back for all the pranks I'd pulled on him years ago. Matt is still in writing mode so he's just spewing pages of lyrics and throwing them at us but still 'secretly' playing video games in his spare 'no writing' time. And well Brian, he's not too good. He is but he isn't. Since you left he's not been the same. Don't get me wrong I understand why you left but I don't think he's fully come to terms with it yet. He's drinking and smoking more than he used to, sleeping with any groupie he can get.. We've kept him away from drugs and he hasn't tried anything with them so we are thankful for that"

"So he's not doing too good?" I asked, shuffling slightly as we approached a small cafe.

"Not really but I know you're not doing too good either" he replied sternly watching for my reaction. I frowned. "I can tell Madds. We want to help you. We love you and we miss how everything used to be"

"Yeah Zack. Used to be. Not anymore. Probably won't ever be the same again"

"Could give it a shot?" he suggested hopefully.

"You know Brian and I can't be in the same room as each other. It wouldn't work. We can't" I said and sat down at a small booth, Zacky sitting opposite me. "I love you guys and I miss you all so much but I cant be near him. I know it sounds selfish but I hate being in uncomfortable situations but this is so much more"

"I know Madds, but you cant just keep to yourself just because of him. Either way, he barely hangs out with us so he wouldnt even notice"

"I'd feel bad"

"I dont care. You can hang out with whoever you want. Brian can suck it" He chuckled. I giggled and shrugged. "Please"

"I dont know, maybe"

"I heard a maybe, I'm taking that!" He grinned. "Now what do you want to drink? Tea, coffee, latte, hot chocolate..?"

"Hot chocolate please" I smiled and handed him change to pay for it. He opened his mouth to protest but I cut him of before he could start. "I said I'd pay. That was the deal Zacky!"

"Alright fine" He sighed and got up to order our drinks.

Brian's p.o.v

I rubbed my eyes as I entered the main part of the bus. The guys sat on the sofas and barely acknowledged my existence. That was nothing new, it always happened. I'd go passed and they wouldnt notice. I hated what I've become. I'd rather go back to normal, like the way we used to be but I dont think I can. I should try.

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