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"Nice to meet you Mr. Min. I hope we didn't make you wait for long. This is Ms. Jung," Jimin introduced upon their arrival. 

"Ms. Jung," Yoongi raised his hand to which she gave a firm shake. 

"Please Sir, Seiji is fine." She smiled politely.

"This is the star doctor of NSH, and a close friend of mine, Mr. Kim," Yoongi introduced. Both Jimin and Seiji shook his hands. "Even though he shifted here a lot recently, he has shown his magic in that short amount of time."

"We meet again Seokjin-ssi," Seiji said.

Jin flashed a shy smile. "So we did. And under better circumstances, too."

"How are you? How is work?" 

"Everything is fine. My schedule is not that crowded for a few days now, so that's good," He replied.

"I'm glad you could take out time for this dinner," Seiji said.

Jin smirked. "I'm not the one who keeps on taking surgeries at the last minute, though."

She laughed amicably at the comment, along with the three other men. The shy doctor started opening up more with his counterpart from the other hospital as the night advanced.

"That's my favorite song of them!" Jin said. "That, and Viva La Vida."

"I know, right?" Seiji replied excitedly. "Fix You is the best comfort song ever! And A Sky Full of Stars too."

"I can't believe we relate on so many grounds," Jin said. "We have so similar taste in everything."

"We should totally hang out more often."

"Yah! You don't even come home anymore. And you are planning to hang out with Kim Seokjin-nim?" Jimin burst out playfully. Seiji stared at him with wide eyes, then looking at Yoongi and Jin to gauge their reactions, she smiled sheepishly.

Jimin realizing his slip up, let out a nervous laugh.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "It is bold of me to assume, or intervene, but are we missing something?"

Jimin was quick to decline. "No no, it's not like that. She is a very good friend and we go back really long. That's it. She and her brother's fiancé are my best friends."

Jin raised his brows.

"We don't want people at the hospital to know about me knowing Noona personally," He supplied.

"It causes unwanted rumors in workplace," Seiji said.

"So you aren't seeing anyone at the moment?" Both Jin and Yoongi asked at the same moment.

Jimin and Seiji looked at each other and at the men in front of them. Then, they burst out laughing.

"No. At the moment, no," Seiji managed somehow between her giggles. 

"What about you? Someone special?" Jimin asked.

"No," Jin smiled, looking straight at Seiji's eyes.

"No for me, but I have my eyes on someone," Yoongi said, as if sharing his darkest secret.

"I wonder who that is," Jin smirked, making Yoongi blush. Jimin noticed this. 

"Whoever it is, I'm sure they are very lucky," He said, with a sad smile. Seiji noticed this and squeezed his hands slightly, saying it's okay through that simple gesture. 

"They sure are," Yoongi whispered to himself with a shimmer in his eyes, watching Jimin inconspicuously as he laughed at a joke cracked by Jin.

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